Example sentences of "a [noun] [coord] [pron] [vb past] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 He did have a sister but he thought that , poor though his family was , it would not be very keen on her marrying a beggar .
2 No that 's part of the the windows washing but I 'll quickly washed over them just to spruce them up a bit but I thought if I put Mrs in that , is she driving , or is she not ?
3 Faldo conceded the French and Belgian Opens when victory seemed a formality and he bristled when I questioned these fallibilities during his march to triumph in the European Open at Sunningdale .
4 Well because I was in the office I got a pound a week , you see , and the , do you know the Manageress there who , she was the Manageress then sorry , I 've got a photograph and she said that when she was Manageress at Colchester and she only got fifteen shillings a week
5 This year we 've restricted it to primary , partly because we felt that 's where the enthusiasm was , and partly , if people wo n't mind me saying so , to keep out the computer science specialists — we felt that , you know , we did n't want a club for boffins or for the experts , we wanted a club and we felt that if we started at the primary end , where there was n't a lot of expertise , we would probably be of more use .
6 The old man was paralysed now after a stroke and she supposed that she ought to feel sorry for him lying there in his hospital bed , useless as a felled tree , mouth slavering , only the angry eyes moving in impotent fury from face to watching face .
7 And I went to my mate this morning who 's a boxer and he said that it 's now maybe , maybe a groin strain
8 Well , she tells me that she is going to throw Shaun out because Shaun is boring , er , Don put her , Shaun she has no respect for she says because he has n't got a job , he wo n't get a job , he wo n't work , and she said to Lee what did I think of the idea of taking Pete back , once they were properly divorced take Pete back just as a lover and I said that sounds to me to be a very good idea , I said then your not at his mercy because anybody who 's at Pete 's mercy will suffer , his got a very nasty streak , his got a nasty snide way of putting things .
9 Yet it was a dream and I knew that dreams never last .
10 He was not a fool and he recognized that what came out when Therese opened her mouth was a unique sound that could , if she had continued in her youthful career , have taken her right up to the top , to the international opera houses of the world .
11 What Aggie did n't know about the ways of loose women , prostitutes , and pimps was n't worth learning , but it was a business and she believed that everybody should mind their own business .
12 He paused for a moment and she realized that she had said something wrong .
13 So I said , oh I said , well , you know if that 's how you feel I said , but I will tell you I said I 'm now a grandma and I said and er Carl is getting married to Rosie .
14 I went to a meeting and they asked if I would try to get them contacts from the West , ’ said Mrs Charlton .
15 What about the Halal meat , in this county where three years ago we had a meeting and they decided that animals that were slaughtered without being stunned with sheer terror , who are allowed to bleed to death because this is what a particular group believed in and we did it .
16 She said it was br it was , I did n't think it was but it wa it was really good fun and also I was going out with Carl at the time and so , you know , in our big like little group big little group , our big group , that was a bit of a erm contradiction , erm in our big group and erm we knew masses of people and there were lots of there and there were lots of Felixstowe people there and it was just a really good laugh and erm Right Said Fred were there and some other sort of ravey group , ca n't remember what now and then , no some techno group , and then erm so we all thought oh let's go for this , let's go , la this time last year we thought oh well let's go over to this one for a joke , you know , for old time 's sake let's just go along and have a joke and we went and it was full of erm like they were all about fourteen , I suppose when we went we were all fourteen too but last year well most of my friends are sort of you know sixteen erm we went and it was n't , it was n't , it was n't full at all and the place is huge and it says , it says on the thing , you know , two thousand people go and there must have been about four hundred at the most and it was really , and I , also I ha I was ill that day and it was really shit so if they said it was brilliant last year it probably was n't the stockings because it was , nobody I met said it was , and also yeah the stockings and the feathers were put on the same day and there 's competition between the two companies does stocking and I 've forgotten what feathers is , there 's competition and so lots of people went to the feathers instead and the feathers had like too many people and the stockings had too lit too few .
17 It was bad enough trying to get to a classroom and he knew if he had explored the corridors he would have been lost for certain .
18 But then a lot of them fancied their chances that year — Peter Oosterhuis , Nick Faldo , and so on , and Bobby Clampett led for a while and it looked as though they might not be able to catch him .
19 In effect , I 'd lost a day and I wondered if there had been something I 'd planned to do that Monday , like work , for instance .
20 on my er lesson before my test , and he said just push the brake down a minute and I did and he said oh , you try it again , yeah , oh , hang on a minute , he fiddled about some more and he said right now do it again ah right that 's working now .
21 Now if I was a cadre and I received that I think I would be thinking right erm if I really want to be at the forefront of this that 's the policy that I want to promote erm and if the peasants in my area are not demanding this and not achieving this well we , I , I ca n't be seen not to be going it , I 've got ta go with this .
22 Erm , George and I had that class shared between us , he took them for an hour a week and I did and i if there is a class that any of us had ever taken that would be unlikely to be able to write something meaningful of this kind
23 Canaris offered Schellenberg a cigarette and they went and leaned on a parapet over-looking the lake .
24 He sucked on a cigarette and I saw that the fingers of his right hand were stained a deep yellow by the nicotine .
25 I indicated a chair and she nodded that it was OK for me to sit down .
26 The Shah told " Moustachio " that he had avoided a bloodbath and he hoped that this would mean that one day the monarchy could again play a part in Iranian life .
27 By then , I had n't got a wireless but she declared that it was an absolutely necessary thing for someone in my situation and brought me a red one , of the kind that worked on batteries thankfully , not the kind you had to carry for miles to be recharged !
28 To managers of Banstead the policy was nothing but a hindrance and they felt that if the Department of Health insisted on the ancillary services of the hospital being offered to private tender , the process of counselling staff and keeping good industrial relations during the rundown would be railroaded .
29 Once we 'd established that nothing had been left behind Emily went off to catch a bus and I decided that no one would mind if I popped my head round the doors of the suite of rooms which George had occupied .
30 Even to open the letter was a burden and she waited until she was alone and hidden from view to do so .
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