Example sentences of "a [noun] [coord] [verb] [pron] into " in BNC.

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1 that the Germans had tidied it up a bit and turned it into a garden .
2 It 's often a case of people looking at a building and reading something into it . ’
3 He came to A Division and got himself into a lot of trouble through damn stupidity .
4 I once took all eleven of my Dad 's angelfish to school in a jam-jar and poured them into the pond to keep the goldfish company .
5 They 'd thrown her into a Jeep and driven her into the Heide , through the woods , to a large wooden building hidden in the trees .
6 One of the assistants took Ruth into a fitting-room and helped her into the dress , then stood back to admire the effect .
7 With horror and doubt on his face , the elder seizes a pitchfork and hurls it into the gangster 's back ’ It could be argued from the Kantian standpoint that the elder had failed in his duty by not upholding the sect 's fundamental principle of non-violence .
8 She made a chicken salad and poured herself a glass of chilled white wine , then put them on a tray and took them into her sitting room .
9 Again , in 1981–7 the Volkswagenstiftung funded on a large scale the ARCOS project , a system which photographs a three-dimensional archaeological object , provides a drawing and converts it into data which lend themselves easily to methods like Cluster Analysis .
10 Wilkins began struggling with a constable and pushed him into a bush .
11 I scooped them up before he could think of asking for a receipt and zippered them into a jacket pocket .
12 She screwed a wetted face flannel into a point and dug it into Léonie 's ears , then attacked her unruly hair with a hard brush .
13 If your class is told to divide into groups by the teacher , keep a look-out for people who are not in a group and invite them into yours .
14 Georgiades skinned a chestnut and popped it into his mouth .
15 It is therefore necessary to pick up the optical signals , convert them into electrical signals , amplify them using a repeater and re-convert them into optical signals every so often along the way .
16 His green eyes pools of limpid clarity and wholly deceptive depth , but his swift grin wicked , Michele replied provocatively , ‘ I ca n't make love to a housekeeper or beat her into submission the way I could a wife , and , as I prefer my domestic arrangements to run without a hitch , I have to tread circumspectly . ’
17 He then took some food which would last for a while and packed it into his bag .
18 He stared at the paper for a moment then crumpled it angrily into a ball and tossed it into a corner .
19 The expression on his face had grown hard and grim as he 'd scanned the paper in his hands , before angrily crunching it up into a ball and hurling it into a nearby waste-paper basket .
20 Kathleen grabbed Amy and they lifted her on to a trolley and wheeled her into Resus .
21 With David 's help I unfurled my multi-coloured paraglider , donned a helmet and strapped myself into the simple harness .
22 One day , she had seen a car screech to a stop and several men overpower a pedestrian and force him into their vehicle ; from a distance she had smelled the smoke of bonfires burning blacklisted books ; she had glimpsed the outline of a human body floating in the dark waters of the canal .
23 To develop roles and narrative within a game and expand them into a drama .
24 Setting a strategy and putting it into action are challenges that can overwhelm even the most effective managers .
25 Three years ago we trained foragers along a lake and tricked them into dancing to indicate to potential recruit bees in the hive that the food was in the middle of the lake .
26 Then one of the men gave a shout , seized the boy by a leg and pulled him into the hall .
27 He took a pipe-cleaner from a drawer and pushed it into the stem of his pipe .
28 He lunges at you so you grab a knife and plunge it into his chest .
29 The young constable and the landlord each grabbed a combatant and frogmarched them into the village street .
30 Someone had put them in a box and thrown them into the canal .
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