Example sentences of "a [noun] [prep] i [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Usually my mother was just like a sister to me but she has a strange fascination with the Queen .
2 It is , it was a case it was a case with me that I was black or white and that 's why that 's why it hit the press like it did .
3 ‘ She always says that on the court she is n't a mum for me and I ca n't imagine that she is n't my mum .
4 Then she put a condom on me and we had penetrative sex .
5 She put a condom on me and we got stuck in , but as soon as I had ejaculated she whipped the condom off me , leaving me floundering for a while on the bed .
6 We walk in and see these tables of hors d'oeuvres , and people standing round them , and then Sam Peckinpah takes a look at me and he says , ‘ Do n't you think you ought to have something to eat ? ’
7 And they come back and see me what they taken from here and seen in other papers is a privilege for me if I 've set them off in my biased Welsh way . .
8 This was a worry to me because I could not work out how much money I would have to live on .
9 Also my mum had to share a bedroom with me and she did n't like watching someone else seeing to me .
10 The sheep were very curious and made a bee-line for me but I managed to push my way through to the birds .
11 I think erm what , what we , what I 'd really like to do is if I could get in touch with him and give him the chance to make up his own mind er then he could decide whether or not he would like to have a chat with me and I 'd just run a few ideas by him , just as you 've done , without any pressure er and he can make his own decisions .
12 ‘ But you have n't made such a fool of me as you 've made of yourself .
13 ‘ See , I think the machines started to get a hold of me when I was a lad .
14 ‘ This is a battle for me but I 've been brought up to battle .
15 He read a scene with me and I said : ‘ Just a moment , ’
16 Give my father a hug from me when you write to him .
17 This was a joy for me as I had puzzled often on the jumble of tops visible from the A82 and in the mass of high peaks this area contains .
18 If I 've got to turn out drawers or turn out the airing cupboard or get the kitchen tidy , it 's a relaxation for me and I like it , or just going through some interior decoration books or moving the furniture round — I 'm a great mover of furniture .
19 Let me now vouch for his kindness and generosity , for he was as good a friend to me as he was to dozens of others , not all of them writers .
20 ‘ I had a friend with me and she was quite upset . ’
21 ‘ Penry , ’ she said , frowning , ‘ are you saying you — well , that you would n't want a relationship with me if I were frigid , like Melanie ? ’
22 ‘ I was wondering if you 'd come and have a drink with me before you go home , ’ he said at last .
23 From the time that I was about eight , the Boxing Booth acted as a magnet to me and I spent a considerable time gazing in awe as the boxers paraded on the small stage outside the tent , ready to take on all corners .
24 Can you hold that a minute for me while I get up ?
25 No , but it was a loan to me and I said to my dad he was loaning it me and I said to him erm I pay you back and then when I went to pick the cheque up er he says er well me mum says he giving you that you know he says what we 're gon na do is when , when they write the will out you 'll get that much less than the others , I says well as long as it ai n't gon na cause any problems
26 once a week to me and I ring him occasionally , and er his first remark which was quite erm natural he said well you know Ernest , he said I 've heard many ministers .
27 Very often , when I take a walk along the river in the close season and see a shoal of chub sliding in and out of the streamer weed , or merely lying near to the surface , ready to suck in a floating insect , I imagine I have a rod with me and I want to catch one of those chub .
28 The Russians were determined to remove every last item of its inventory , down to the lavatory brushes and the steel tracks on which the dockyard trains ran : indeed it was a miracle to me that they did not demand the cobblestones as well .
29 ‘ He has n't played a game for me since I came here , ’ said Keegan yesterday .
30 ‘ Lay a finger on me and I 'll — Let go ! ’
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