Example sentences of "a [noun] [noun sg] if [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 that was meant as , as a bit sympathy if you like , you know th
2 Driver Number : You will only have a Driver Number if you have already been issued with a New Style ( 10 Year type ) licence .
3 Take it along to a trick cyclist if it bothers you . ’
4 ‘ Right lung 's collapsed — he 'll need a chest drain if he makes it .
5 She felt her mother would surely have a heart attack if she knew .
6 Well , she can be an old lady with her hair done up in a silver bun if she likes ( what a picture that conjures up ! ) .
7 Actually she was a former girlfriend , and he had n't exactly visited her , because upon arriving he discovered she was living with an Algerian rug merchant — she had somehow neglected to mention this in her postcards — who had pulled out a scimitar and threatened to send the Swede home with his goolies in a sandwich bag if he did n't clear off instantly .
8 As a side issue if anyone knows what we ( the public ) can do in the way of complaint against Ceefax can they let me know … it almost spoilt a wonderful day .
9 Customers are being offered a 10% discount if they pay cash , and that money will go into a new building society account which does n't charge him .
10 They are the people who will benefit the most , if they will tolerate it ; so give a diuretic and add a beta blocker if you feel it is indicated .
11 That 's why a blood donor if they 've given a pint of blood they 're told not to smoke afterwards if they 're a smoker .
12 Some owners manage by helping each other , but this takes a lot of organisation and a failsafe mechanism if something goes wrong .
13 Loans will also be available for the cost of installing a prepayment meter if you find it easier to pay for fuel as you use it .
14 Other provisions enable police officers to enter private property forcibly without a search warrant if they deem such action necessary to prevent a breach of the peace , reach someone who has committed an arrestable offence or search for evidence of an offence by someone they have already arrested .
15 " You can get a search warrant if you like , as long as you do it discreetly and nobody else knows about it .
16 A ‘ notice to warn ’ might well be served for example upon a car manufacturer if it appears that a certain model had a dangerous design fault .
17 It is in any case always sound practice to start with two machines rather than one , so that there is a backup machine if one breaks down .
18 Backing up your data is vital , so book a lunch date if you choose level two , because it takes about one minute per megabyte of hard disk space to set up .
19 The system is less satisfactory in that you can only extract meaningful information from a bar code if you have a computer equipped with a suitable decoding system and database .
20 Taylor said : ‘ Freidle would n't meet the criteria for a work permit if he has n't played for the full international side of a country that does n't have a high standard of football .
21 Lennie Lawrence , Middlesbrough 's manager , confirmed his interest at the weekend , saying he was prepared to take the matter to a transfer tribunal if he failed to agree a fee with Keegan .
22 However , the Heilbron Report made no proposals to change the law on the issue which had been at stake in the Morgan case — that a man could escape a rape conviction if he thought that the woman was consenting whether she was or not .
23 A Diet Cola if you have it , ’ Bernard replied then eased himself onto the stool beside Rosie .
24 Those who had survived the shooting and the bombing voted Randolph Churchill 's father out and Clement Attlee in , looking to a compassionate Welfare State reflecting the ideas of Sir William Beveridge and his Social Insurance Committee which , it seemed to many , could reduce their need to overspend and provide a safety net if they did .
25 You feel more confident do n't you in a group situation if you know exactly what people er er know or what they do n't know , cos there 's nothing worse is n't there than to go in and thinking they may already know this , I might be going in an teaching my grandmother to suck eggs here , I 'm not sure what they know about this .
26 You can wear a tweed coat if you like but you risk being cold and wet .
27 I suppose I mean that I do n't think my husband would be a nature poet if he did n't live now , here , in England .
28 Modules will only follow a process model if they have been defined to be of that particular model subtype via the MODULE-SUB-TYPE-IS keyword in the module header .
29 In this country you get a , you know , child benefit that you and in America you would obviously get a tax deduction if you have children .
30 The important molecular property connected with Raman spectra is therefore the polarizability , and a vibration will give rise to a Raman line if it leads to a change in the polarizability of the molecule .
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