Example sentences of "a [noun] [noun sg] and it [is] " in BNC.

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1 And so we get this thing back erm and we find out it 's a sheep bone and it 's from about the age of the Vikings .
2 Your mother 's had a heart attack and it 's urgent that you get back to London at once . ’
3 Yeah , well I 've only got the one I 've only got the one erm golly how long have I had that yellow must have had it four years or more I 've only worn it about three times I think it 's erm a telly mac and it 's a yellow one erm and it is a bit longer so all these go underneath it , quite well
4 Liane deterrence may thus be a side benefit and it is possibly attained in other plants by different mechanisms as in the case of some tree ferns , where marcescent fronds may deter both lianes and epiphytes .
5 It is a car town and it is a city of immigrants , white , brown and black : Scots and Irish have staffed its militant shop stewards ' movement , and the races came together in the city 's wondrous two-tone band , the Selector .
6 We got trips we got make-up , how to look after your face , got a healthy diet , you got this i , there 's a help line and it 's if you want that .
7 In Australia , championships are gained on a point system and it is feasible , however unlikely , that a Rottweiler Champion could be made up without actually meeting a member of his own breed in competition .
8 However , it must be remembered that the technology providers see this as a business venture and it is therefore important to establish intellectual property rights at the outset and to produce an adequate return on any investment .
9 ‘ But it is a FIFA ruling and it is out of my hands . ’
10 He 's in a pot bunker and it 's going to be difficult to get out , but I want him to get out beyond Jacklin 's drive so he 's second to play .
11 Yeah but the point is I mean if the barman 's busy in the pub on a night time and it 's dark he do n't know whose outside
12 However , if you receive a groin kick and it is discovered that you are not wearing a guard , then you will automatically be disqualified , regardless of whose fault the low kick was !
13 But what we do say is if Kim 's got a Wednesday evening and it 's only one , she 's only got one
14 Reputable Signetics audio chips re used , with Nichicon electrolytic capacitors and Rubicon audio versions liberally paraded ; all internal mains connections have insulating covers — it looks a quality job and it is .
15 And time and time again the planning officers , and Mr said , this is not the right form to do it , we are a planning authority and it is a decision that has to be taken by the service committee .
16 It generally takes six months to get a tribunal hearing and it 's FREE .
17 The wang bars on the Elite series were pretty bad , but I managed to find one without a wang bar and it 's actually a good guitar . ’
18 but when ya , when you stand at the front door and er there 's a blower breeze and it 's cold , if you put your hand round the door like that , you can feel a draught , you can feel it colder than the you know and the letter box , the draught but if you take that and put a curtain up , it 'll keep the cold out , you 've stopped the draught so you 're gon na win
19 Yeah well we 've got a little antique box a jewellery box and it 's embossed the pattern round it , and the pattern round it is a boar hunt and it 's beautiful , there 's a little boar galloping his heart out with horsemen after him with spears and he 's all the way round the box and I thought of adding him on to the copper kettle you know as engraved all round the outside .
20 It 's , it 's a yeah , it 's a vowel , it 's a vowel change and it 's simply please , pleaseth .
21 We do have the Wolfe report but unfortunately not for the want of effort , the Wolfe report is turning out like the Black report and others and I do n't say that because there was a gentleman who done a report Black and it is gathering dust , the Wolfe report is on the same shelf , I believe .
22 It 's from a stone age and it 's between four and five thousand years old .
23 Approaches to selection , organization and database construction vary according to the day to day timetable of a school library and it is important in selecting a topic to consider the time-scale of the project .
24 The Charity Shield might not be the most important trophy but it 's still a prestige event and it is used to promote the game .
25 It gets worse when you 've got a satellite television and it 's on up to , about five times a week !
26 Swings often start by touching down with drift in a cross wind and it is worth remembering that , from the point of view of avoiding a bad swing into wind , it is better to overdo the drift correction .
27 Japanese , it 's a massive one , one er , it 's a thirty thousand gallon erm pond and it 's got , and it goes through a filter box and it 's four and a half tons of erm four and a half tons and that is a lot of
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