Example sentences of "a [noun] [to-vb] to [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We may also see a relationship between a willingness to accept the authoritative knowledge of a subject and a willingness to defer to authority in general .
2 Come back dinner time and they were saying well no you see you ca n't just a borrow a car to go to dinner in , yeah that 'll be alright man and I had n't even been in it since Roy bought it back !
3 ( Suddenly telling a child to go to bed in the middle of an exciting TV programme is asking for trouble .
4 I now prefer the analogy of the legal ‘ flak jacket ’ which protects the doctor from claims by the litigious whether he acquires it from his patient who may be a minor over the age of 16 , or a ‘ Gillick competent ’ child under that age or from another person having parental responsibilities which include a right to consent to treatment of the minor .
5 ‘ You think I ca n't get a woman to come to bed with me without offering her bribes ?
6 it is all wrong , cos I says to Stuart we had , we were at him Monday , I says why is it this year I says I get a , a thing to go to court on Monday , I says and yet last year I says I did n't pay mine till end of February she says oh well they 're getting stricter this year she says , oh you 've got a court thing fifteen pound and I says yeah and she says paying that , I said no I 'm not paying that cos I pay what I owe , I said but I 'm not paying the fifteen pound court cost
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