Example sentences of "a [noun] [conj] a [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 After so long of acquiescence , the Welsh felt themselves Welsh again , a nation with a prince and a prophet of their own .
2 As he put his hand inside there was a squawking and a scrabbling of claws and flapping wings .
3 Even Stella , McIllvanney 's long-suffering secretary , had taken the day off , leaving the office locked , which meant I had to walk into town to find a public telephone from which I called the Bahamian Police and told them about Hirondelle , and added that I had rescued a chart and a handful of cartridges from the stricken boat .
4 An attendant from the tabernacle came along with a bucket and a sponge on a stick .
5 The second method is use a Ceiling Maestro , which is screwed to a joist or a piece of timber between the joists , and which has a hook for a chain and a screwed hole for a rod .
6 At Coventry in that year , when the two sitting MPs ( both of whom were " eminent Tackers " ) returned to contest the election , they were greeted by a huge crowd of local supporters , lay and clerical , who marched in a ritualistic procession carrying a maypole and a banner with a picture of a church on both sides .
7 He had known the reality of a home of sorts , with a cradle and a baby in it .
8 Resource is therefore not the problem with synthetic fuels and the progress or lack of it in the industry is a function and a consequence of the price and availability of hydrocarbons .
9 The sentencer regarded the case as an exceptional one The Court considered that it had many exceptional features which would allow a sentencer to reduce the sentence which would otherwise have been imposed , but it was seldom in such a case that a sentence of less than seven years would be appropriate .
10 This is not a case where the demand was based on an erroneous interpretation of legislation by the revenue ; my provisional view is that there is no distinction between such a case and a case like the present where the demand is based on an invalid regulation and is therefore ultra vires .
11 So if that management committee decides in a year 's time or two year 's time thank you when when we 've been rolling on a bit and a lot of this has died down that they want a single headed project .
12 The total amount of ‘ common funding ’ is set at such a level that a sum of money is left in the pool for furnishing the ‘ further funding ’ element .
13 He could have quit last Wednesday when the party 's national executive rejected by a 21-3 vote his demands for a referendum and a rethink on the Maastricht treaty .
14 By the time I had received the alarm and gone out , his lordship and his guests had laid my father on his side , a cushion and a rug from the summerhouse serving as pillow and blanket .
15 You can be a winner or a loser in all aspects of life , including work .
16 He could well have made a throne for a Medici or a table for the Brighton Pavilion , and he will surely be making pieces in the 1990s that will be starting in their modernity .
17 Country sports are a heritage and a way of life to literally millions of people and to take them away is to prevent freedom of choice within the law .
18 Goals and objectives are similar in that both provide a direction and a target for company or departmental activities .
19 a loveseat and a view of Lake Como ,
20 Fortuna was smiling on me and my haphazard trip felt as if it was taking some kind of shape , a dynamic and a logic of its own .
21 What we are essentially looking for in secondary education , then , whether practical or theoretical , is a curriculum and a method of pursuing it that will equip the student with transferable skills and transferable expertise .
22 Most people , when they went out at night or approached another village , carried a stick or a handful of stones ; if one or two dogs in a pack had been wounded the others would pick up the aggressive intention and drop back sullenly .
23 With a stick and a piece of
24 I take this to be a decision that a release by accord and satisfaction reached with one joint and several debtor discharges all .
25 The question for the court was whether on July 9 , 1921 , the police authorities acting , reasonably and in good faith , considered a police garrison at the colliery necessary for the protection of life and property from violence , or , in other words , whether the decision of the chief constable in refusing special protection unless paid for was such a decision as a man in his position and with his duties could reasonably take .
26 I have a reasonable body ( it falls into the ‘ I 've no complaints ’ category ) the appetite of a dinosaur and a loathing for most forms of self denial .
27 He was a non-smoker , a teetotaller and a lover of animals , but what really preoccupied him was an overwhelming and violent anti-Semitism , derived perhaps from his dislike of the kosher method of slaughtering animals .
28 Now that had to be manned by a driver and a conductor for that day .
29 In the section entitled ‘ Juvenile Employment ’ , Beveridge pressed the view that the exchange should be more than a place of registration and placement : it should be ‘ both a market-place and a centre of guidance and supervision in the choice of ‘ careers ’ .
30 What is n't so clear to the pension investor is the impact on their final returns that results from a reduction or a termination of regular premiums , and the situation that arises on the investor 's death before drawing retirement benefits .
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