Example sentences of "a [noun] [conj] i think it " in BNC.

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1 Yes , I think , I mean , it varies from day to day , but as you say the rumours at the moment are that the is being upped a bit and I think it would be different .
2 We were talking I think this is the thing about clawback , er this year our erm receipts taken into account are two point three eight million as opposed to last year er this is taken into account we drew four hundred and seventy five thousand , that 's a huge jump erm the government by in telling us we can send this er this er what I call minuscule carrot erm this year er the capital receipts from November last year until December next year erm a anyone had undoubtedly for most of that back in the in in the use er er a grant and I think it , as the government have actually kept extremely quiet on this subject , that seemed to be the scenario that seems most likely to happen .
3 ‘ And I never run a horse unless I think it 's got a real chance . ’
4 I mean , a lot of guitarists get into a rut and I think it comes from the fact that their pool of influences is really limited and shallow .
5 I think it was just a bug and I think it was caused by
6 Can I sorry could I could I take obviously take some question people wish to ask a question because I think it 's important that before people start drifting away we actually bring the meeting to some conclusion and determine where we 're gon na go with the meeting once it 's actually passed .
7 Can , can we leave that word alone for for a moment cos I think it 's a bit of red herring er , to some degree .
8 Peskibe continues to thrive , operational profits there are now well over a million a week and I think it 's worth remembering that one subscriber may have three subscriptions say to two movie channels and one sports channels and if you count these individually , it means that we now have four point nine million subscriptions achieved during the second worst recession , recession this century .
9 a few times a week and I think it sounded like three cos she was wondering how he would cope with driving and everything .
10 It 's like playing for a country and I think it will always remain so , ’ he said .
11 I 'm going back a step but I think it 's
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