Example sentences of "a [noun] [conj] [vb base] [verb] them " in BNC.

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1 Around the turn of the century men from Potterspury formed a club with a view to purchase a horse and brake to convey them to and from Wolverton .
2 We may study with our guide-books all the historic , individual features of a town and get to know them .
3 Set your child 's teddies in a circle and pretend to give them all a spoonful , finishing with one for your son or daughter .
4 Since playgrounds give our children so much , it 's a great shame that in many areas , the old playparks are being allowed to run down until they 're in such a bad state that it 's easier and cheaper to knock them down and build a carpark than try to make them safe .
5 only agree of a single claim item subject to a satisfactory overall settlement : a skilled negotiator can pick off the strong points in a claim and attempt to buy them cheaply
6 Start making a list and begin eliminating them , one by one .
7 Alternatively , chop the nuts very finely , add the garlic and use a pestle and mortar to grind them down .
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