Example sentences of "a [noun] [conj] [pers pn] [modal v] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Fellows from universities who fought in Spain are being given jobs in Intelligence or Censorship where they could do a lot more damage as traitors than a squaddy like I 'd be .
2 This does not apply where a magistrates ' court declines to hear a case because it could be dealt with more conveniently in another court ( s94(2) ) .
3 The situation has thrown me a bit and I shall be talking to him again because I want to know exactly what 's going on .
4 ‘ From my point of view , prescription charges have now reached such a level that they can be properly described as a health tax , ’ he said .
5 I enjoy being a mum but it can be hard work .
6 Their enthusiasm for the gangster film was in part a hope that it would be a transitional form and not an atrophied and unchanging product .
7 The court will not enforce a decision if it would be illegal : Parken v Whitby ( 1823 ) Turn & R 367 .
8 The course is divided into two parts , first of all a part that I shall be conducting , dealing with more professional use of the telephone : that 's how you use the telephone , what you say , and how you use it in that way , how you answer the telephone .
9 Earlier in his essay on the rule of law Oakeshott had suggested that to deliberate the jus of lex is ‘ to invoke a particular kind of moral consideration : … the negative and limited consideration that the prescriptions of law should not conflict with a prevailing educated moral sensibility capable of distinguishing between the conditions of ‘ virtue ’ , the conditions of moral association ( ’ good conduct ’ ) , and those which are of such a kind that they should be imposed by law ( ’ justice ’ ) ' .
10 In Maggie 's heart there had always been a prayer that they might be reconciled .
11 The ’ Harriet was hungry ’ example may be only nine words long , but it nevertheless demonstrates many aspects of knowledge that need to be made explicit to a computer before it could be said to understand .
12 Biological filters operate outside the pool , usually at the summit of a waterfall where they can be suitably hidden — water from the pool being pumped through the filter and allowed to discharge into the waterfall .
13 ‘ I decided on four days because I reckoned that that 's as near to being a full-timer as you can be , while still gaining something significant for yourself .
14 Even if you are mouse phobe you should at least give it a try because you might be surprised at how easy it makes common operations .
15 There is nothing intrinsically bad about such a link and it can be enormously helpful .
16 Or suppose , before the Bill is presented for the Royal Assent , that he seeks a declarator that it would be contrary to the terms of Union for the monarch to assent to it , so that it presently , undoubtedly , still exists .
17 Have a have a look cos they will be on the sheet .
18 There is no precise definition of a storm but it must be noted that strong winds ( unless storm force ) or heavy rain alone do not constitute a storm .
19 Others can make a judgement that you should be spending less than that , and in fact the first budget we presented yesterday was at the level of three hundred and eleven point five million , which is further below the capped level .
20 Heilbroner ( 1974 ) , examining the human prospect in the mid-1970s referred to an ‘ erosion of confidence ’ as characteristic of the mood of the time and attributed it in part to ‘ a fear that we will be unable to sustain the trend of economic growth for very much longer ’ , and the recognition that we face ‘ a hitherto unimaginable prospect — a ceiling on industrial production ’ .
21 Now I also agree that these criteria are not of equal importance and I certainly would put the greatest weight on criterion one which is to avoid the greenbelt in fact I think it 's so important that it should n't be a criterion but it should be actually be within the preamble as it is now .
22 Mr Sweeney said it was decided by a vote that he should be told the meeting wanted him to reconsider his decision .
23 Accordingly , it will be extremely rare for a government to press the matter to a vote and it will be left to Members opposing the instrument to move its rejection .
24 As well as shortage of time , the bill can be defeated on a vote or it can be talked out .
25 He warned Yousefi he had a prison sentence in mind and added : ‘ I am also considering the appropriateness of a recommendation that you should be deported from this country because of your activities . ’
26 Judge William Hannah adjourned the case for social inquiry reports but said : ‘ I am considering the appropriateness of a recommendation that you should be deported from this country because of your activities . ’
27 Manchester Polytechnic 's part-time BEd , for example , was turned down by the Committee in January 1973 with a recommendation that it should be resubmitted .
28 ‘ It is sure to give dish sales a boost as it will be financed by advertising so no dish owner will have to pay extra for it , ’ says an industry analyst .
29 ‘ It is a police requirement that you have to be an active member of a club before you can be recommended to apply to purchase a firearm . ’
30 You will not always get a reply but you may be surprised at how often you do .
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