Example sentences of "a [noun] [pron] [vb mod] [verb] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Disconcertingly , however , Thomas Kuhn 's account of the development of science in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions makes a strong case for a third kind , even if not quite a kind which would suit Newton .
2 An if yu are a Rasta yu can tour Africa .
3 What has been set out in these pages is a programme which could change Britain for good .
4 Shas was said to have offered to participate in a coalition which would include Meretz , provided that an accommodation could be reached between Labour and the other two religious parties .
5 My dear Mrs Goreng , I felt like saying , you would have been surprised to come across a hotelier who 'd read Thomas Mann .
6 The farm had originally been two or three houses and there was a little cottage at the back where a lady we used to call Aunt Polly lived .
7 She informed her great-granddaughter that if she filed for a divorce she would take Andrew 's side and say that what he had done in taking a mistress and in finally attempting suicide was because she had never acted as a wife to him .
8 On Sept. 17 the United States suspended all financial aid in response to human rights abuses and the absence of economic reform , a move which would cost Zaïre US$13,000,000 in development aid in the current year .
9 An Italian newspaper has claimed that Frenchman Alain Prost has already signed to the Oxfordshire outfit next season … that 's a move which would upset Nigel Mansell … but team boss Frank Williams insists that no contracts have been signed .
10 PREMIER John Major was ambushed by the Germans last night in a move which could force Britain off the road to European unity .
11 The Commission is now drafting a directive which will require EC states to dispose of waste as close as possible to where it is generated .
12 Alexandra bought herself stout countrywomen 's boots in Bodmin and found a dressmaker who would copy Mrs McPhee in thick , practical tweed for her forays around her yard and fields .
13 Systematic sampling of West German voters carried out in 1979–80 indicated that 13 per cent of all voters in the Federal Republic had a consolidated extreme rightist ‘ world view ’ ; 14 per cent responded positively to the statement that ‘ we should again have a Leader who would rule Germany with a strong hand for the good of all ’ .
14 At the current exchange rate , that is barely $1 — a price which should make Russia competitive with producers like Indonesia .
15 ‘ At twenty miles a day we should reach Tam by February thirteenth , and if you 're not there by then , Geoff , we 'll be there without you . ’
16 Among the accused : Fahd Mohammed al-Sabah , a former chairman of KIO and Torras , and a distant cousin of the Emir of Kuwait ; Fouad Jaffar , the KIO 's former general manager ; and Javier de la Rosa , a Catalan who used to head Torras .
17 For a start he should read Alan Everitt 's essay , The Pattern of Rural Dissent : the Nineteenth Century ( 1972 ) , which makes many points of general interest through an analysis of the differing experiences of the counties of Leicestershire , Northamptonshire , Kent and that part of Lincolnshire known as Lindsey .
18 ‘ We had a feeling we would draw Glentoran after beating Linfield .
19 ‘ I give you my word , ’ she said intensely , ‘ that I will find a man who can save Swift for us all , and then I 'll marry him . ’
20 This means that the job of the new Treasury Chief Secretary takes on a significance which may unnerve Michael Portillo .
21 In so far as the French Union was a federation which would group Indochina , Black Africa , and North Africa it was , as Raymond Aron pointed out , a grandiose objective but at least in the original proposals of the drafting committee which included a former governor general of Indochina , Alexandre Varenne , it was to be a union based on free consent .
22 However — if I must leave a message I 'd like Miss Lucy Telford to phone and tell me what I 'm waiting to hear .
23 He responded with a warning and a promise ; a warning he 'll defend Russia 's interests , a promise of dialogue with Gorbachov .
24 We want to build a line which will connect Seatown with the big cities .
25 As for Hearts , they play Rangers at Tynecastle on Wednesday and a win there would see Sandy Clark 's side elevated from ninth to joint third in the table in just two games , AND keep Rangers four points behind new league leaders Aberdeen .
26 The communications network established by Rank Xerox , for example , will be bequeathed to Andalusia ‘ as a contribution to technological development and to training a generation which will take Andalusia into the 21st century ’ .
27 ‘ She was threatening to go to London and if she did there was a possibility she would upset Berenice ; I ca n't risk that . ’
28 I I would simply say that I think it does deserve maximum weight because I you will not be surprised to hear , er take the same view as Mr from Leeds City Council , that under no circumstances should the the settlement be located anywhere other than in a location which will serve York and not Leeds .
29 He 's suggested a way we might persuade Giovanna to do the washing .
30 Thus , while virtually all schools wished to increase access to a better-stocked library in a way which would stimulate RBL , only 14 of the schools specified existing or intended extension activities in their plans , while nine made reference to the need to establish or develop display areas , and a similar number expressed a commitment to associated inservice developments .
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