Example sentences of "a [noun] [pron] [vb past] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Whether the action was heard by a consul or by one of the praetores fideicommissarii , in either case it was not an action of the formulary system but of a kind which lay beyond that system ; the involvement of magistrates in assessing the cases was therefore known as cognitio extra ordinem .
2 So a drug which acted during this phase , a ‘ true causal prophylactic ’ , was exactly what was wanted , but how was it to be found ?
3 An incident at dinner on Sunday night became part of the Reverend Mr Grant 's conversational furniture , a story he told for many years later .
4 Vincent had grasped early on that his deep-seated , recurring fearfulness in the face of life was a condition he shared with many nineteenth-century artists .
5 But the proposition that it was not lawful for the Secretary of State to adopt a tariff which differed from that of the judges was in my opinion wrong .
6 In a contest which arose from such proceedings about five years ago a Man was killed .
7 I am quite unable to accept that Parliament in adopting somewhat more prolix language was intending to achieve a result which differed from that recommended by the committee .
8 For a second they glared at each other .
9 He did not rate his findings on the antibacterial substance worthy of a full paper , and included them in a publication which dealt with several substances derived from Penicillia .
10 ‘ Such a pity she took to that unfortunate boy Saul Quatt , instead of that good-looking young officer that was quartered here that year . ’
11 On Jan. 15 the Cabinet approved a plan which called on all groups and individuals voluntarily to hand over small-calibre weapons by mid-March .
12 And a girl who looked like that must be forever finding herself pursued by men .
13 No one would take home a boy who looked like that , so pale and delicate .
14 Minutes before three youths had been seen in a car driving at high speed … as they crossed a junction they collided with another car and spun into Mr James .
15 For a moment they stared at each other — and , though the anger and hostility in the room were almost visible , the memory of that long-ago day hung in the air between them .
16 For a moment they stared at each other , while the klaxon remorselessly threw out a yard and a half of raucousness every two seconds .
17 Sophie looked aghast and for a moment they stared at each other .
18 For a moment they struggled with each other 's clothing , tearing at the lacing , freeing themselves , and then he had lifted her on to him and was thrusting deep into her , her legs wrapped about his back , her pelvis pushing down urgently to meet his movements .
19 For a moment they looked at each other square in the eye .
20 For a moment they looked at each other , and then they were in each other 's arms again .
21 For a moment they looked at each other in the penetrating light of early morning .
22 Strange how wide a gulf he found between these old retainers of Lancaster and the full council of the realm , let alone the unpredictable vagaries of parliament .
23 The only contract for endorsing a product I obtained in those days was for Churchman 's cigarettes . ’
24 The towering striker put United 2–0 ahead in the 68th minute of a match they dominated for most of the time .
25 In fact , he decided , he would be interested to see a wife who accepted with such apparent equanimity her husband 's absence on a Saturday .
26 For a while they lay in each other 's arms , the sweet lethargy claiming them , but as Alain 's arms tightened around her and his lips became insistent , Jenna drew back and looked up into his dark eyes .
27 ‘ If I was a person who believed in such things … ’
28 An inquest into the death of James Carney , 24 , of Thames Road , Redcar , who was a passenger in a taxi which collided with another vehicle , was adjourned yesterday pending the outcome of court proceedings .
29 For over a decade I lived with this new knowledge and with the ethical dilemma surrounding my own pursuit of insider research .
30 When Congress assembled the Speaker of the House of Representatives asked Hall to give the opening prayer and on a Sunday he preached before both Houses in the Capitol building .
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