Example sentences of "a [noun] [prep] the [num] year " in BNC.

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1 One of the latter is a book that has become a favourite in the two years since it first appeared in hardback form .
2 Only sixteen Unionist MPs were baronets ( less than the number of Liberals , a testament to the eight years of Liberal government ) , and these were the owners of new wealth rather than old titles .
3 First they were based on an ‘ Age Participation Rate ’ ( APR ) defined as ‘ the number of young home initial full time and sandwich entrants to HE in a given year expressed as a percentage of the 18 year old population ’ .
4 Despite opposition to their plans from many independent experts , the commission says the angle is likely to be reduced by as much as half a degree within the two years .
5 Cica is designed to broaden its business base by creating a franchise within the 13–30 year old bracket .
6 Ian Readman , honorary secretary of the Redcar Station , said he believed it was only the third time a crew at the station had received a medal in the 190 years since the Zetland was first launched from Redcar .
7 The exuberant rush of ecclesiastical building was a byproduct of the Thirty Years ' War , which interrupted the German Renaissance and delayed the arrival of the Baroque until two generations after its origins in Italy .
8 Needless to say , I have a knowledge of the Hundred Years War and feuds between England and France .
9 His article argued that nuclear-generated electricity could n't realistically replace oil and fossil fuels unless all nations built sixteen new reactors a week in the five years from 1995 , a programme impossible to achieve and one which , if practicable , would add intolerably to the nuclear threat .
10 They have found it hard , too , to make a bridge between the 11 years of Mrs Thatcher and the 16 months of Mr Major , to say what a wonderful woman she was , while being unable to explain why they threw her off the sledge .
11 But , in support of the maternal depletion syndrome , perhaps contrary to popular belief , it appears from these data that a baby has better chances of being born alive to a woman in the 40–44 years age group if it is the first than the sixth or a higher order .
12 DeKalb High School principal Jed Dunbar is reluctant to allow visitors a glimpse at the 1984 year book with rare pictures of Cindy .
13 Differences in adult mortality reach a peak for the 35–44 year age group , with Aboriginal men dying at a rate more than 11 times that of the total male population .
14 She received no reply ; nor had she heard a word during the five years that had passed since , and she did n't know to this day if he was alive or dead , and she did n't care .
15 Accordingly , three modules were drawn up offering a progression in the three years of the course from Information Sources through Information Systems to Information Management .
16 We had changed a lot over the four years we 'd been together .
17 I mean you probably beat her with a lot of the eighteen year olds you see .
18 Investment was planned to rise by 10.3 per cent a year during the five years , with an increasing role for private investment which would account for 60 per cent of the total by 1993 .
19 As part of its expansion , Barratt will open two new subsidiaries a year over the three years of the growth plan , starting in July with one for south London , to be followed by one for the northern part of the capital later .
20 Edmonds ( 1962 ) also says that this has been a problem throughout the 150 years of the Inspectorate .
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