Example sentences of "a [noun] [verb] [pron] [vb -s] the " in BNC.

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1 The farm cattle have their gods too and anyone who leaves a car or a tractor and trailer parked in a field of cattle can observe that when such a vehicle appears it produces the most unusual reactions amongst the herd .
2 Billington has assembled a high-octane cast which has the play sitting up and begging .
3 A hairdresser believes he sees the ghost of a fellow-soldier ; spends some years in a mental hospital ; on his release is rejected by his wife who he believes is ‘ denying him his existence ’ ; begins to think that everyone else is denying him his existence , perhaps because he was once shot at by a German and they all think he is dead ; spends his Sundays looking into the river for the bullet which missed him ; after his death , his wife discovers she is pregnant ; she lets it be known that the hairdresser has spoken to her by night and told her ‘ he was very happy that she had recognized the child as his , because that way she had stopped denying him his existence ’ ; when eventually she moves away from Piacenza , the hairdresser stops speaking to her by night .
4 This involves reconstruing the situation so that it looks more straightforward and easy to handle , thus allowing sides to be taken or a stance adopted which reduces the confusion and allows at least some action to be taken — a villain to be defeated , a wrong to be righted , a battle to be fought .
5 If restretching is too daunting , you could either use a frame with sufficient rebate to hide the discrepancy or have a frame made which fits the canvas .
6 Since this restriction arises from an exercise of state power , liberal theory requires a justification to explain what permits the state , which is created to protect individual autonomy , to become an instrument of constraint .
7 Finally , Mabogunje ( 1970,16 ) has proposed a systems approach which rejects the push-pull approach of Table 5.1 and sees rural-urban migration no longer
8 Councillors have called for a report on a perks package which eases the burden of moving home .
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