Example sentences of "and she [vb past] [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She felt a hand on her shoulder and she looked up into the thin face of Edward Morris .
2 Bessie was busy rolling out pastry for the meat pies and she looked up at the young nurse .
3 The desperate woman 's eyes sparkled and she looked up at the crafty totter with new interest .
4 The fortune-teller lay on her back behind the low wall and she was dying , or perhaps she was dead , for her eyes were open and she looked up at the stars .
5 There was no table set and she looked round for a sideboard that must house such things as cutlery .
6 Deep inside she knew that if he had tried she would have repulsed him , and she looked out of the window at the moonlit sky .
7 On her way , she passed the room with the light on , and she looked in with a stab of surprised longing at the cosy scene inside .
8 The wall of the house was behind her and she leant back against the warm brickwork and closed her eyes .
9 He moved towards her and she flinched back against the cushions .
10 They fell apart , wood splintering , nails wrenching , and she burst out of the side of a building .
11 That stung , and she swung round in the seat , her hands clenching into fists .
12 The muffled jangle of the bell disturbed her reverie , and she glanced up at the clock — it lacked a few minutes to three — her visitor was punctual as usual .
13 hit the front of the car and she went that way , and she finished up in the hedge
14 Sometimes Sheila got away from her family to come with her and she drove down for a few hours as well as now and again in the middle of the week .
15 And she went out of the room , leaving Clare and Bryony facing one another over two thousand five hundred sheets of paper that had to be folded by Friday .
16 He turned the horse away and walked off , ignoring her , and she went back to the house seething with annoyance .
17 He gave her a quick nod of approval and she went down to the end of the shop and began filling in the certificates , taking her information from the records Mr Miller had already made .
18 It was like a drug , like the swell of the ocean , and she went down under the waves .
19 But Dreadnought , let alone all her other weak places , had been holed amidships by a baulk of timber , and before long the water poured into her with a sound like a sigh and she went down in a few seconds .
20 The warm wind blew her hair from her face and she gazed out across the sea where craggy pitons struggled up from the blue sea .
21 ‘ I 'm going to cry until I 'm ill ! ’ and she dropped on to the floor , her shoulders shaking and the tears rolling down her face .
22 And she stalked off to the foyer .
23 Jack went past Resus and hailed her , and she popped out into the corridor .
24 And so they merely shook hands , and she walked off down the garden path to her door .
25 When I went the receptionist was just leaving and she walked down into the town with me .
26 ‘ What rubbish you talk , ’ his mother said and she walked out of the room with her ironing .
27 And she walked out of the room with something of the same wary insistence on normality .
28 As the lift doors opened and she stepped out into the corridor , it occurred to her that she must strike a very different figure from the wide-eyed girl who had made that first visit .
29 She knew the Spanish liking for these little snacks and she stepped down into the street , a little surprised to find herself the focus of several pairs of eyes .
30 She pushed against the door , it creaked open and she fell out onto the damp grassy verge .
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