Example sentences of "and she [adv] [vb past] [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But it did not stop — and she finally lost her grip .
2 I had a row with her several times , but this once I said , why did n't she get out there and shift some bloody irrigation mats with me , and she just slapped her belly and said she 'd got too fat to bend .
3 ‘ One day I asked her a question as I was getting on , and she just smacked my face
4 She trotted off again , through a really insalubrious area known as Bligh 's Corner , after some landlord , long dead , and she unconsciously quickened her pace a little so as to arrive in the relatively respectable square where the rectory stood , next door to St Jude 's church where Dr Neil 's household worshipped every Sunday .
5 She was feeling vulnerable and neglected , he was fun and rich and she clearly enjoyed his company .
6 Her eyes met his and she immediately dropped her gaze , colouring slightly .
7 The accolade came three months after giving birth to her first child , called Isha and she even beat her hairdressing husband , Jason to the title .
8 And she positively curled her lip with disdain .
9 Somebody — Jeff , she thought , with his arms around an attractive blonde , called and waved to her , and she automatically fixed her smile — that big , bright , beautifully painted smile , the smile everyone marvelled at — and waved her champagne bottle , held so tightly , so comfortingly , in his direction .
10 But the train started off again , and she nearly lost her balance ; and still nobody moved .
11 ‘ Why ? ’ she asked , then a jaw-breaking yawn overtook her and she hastily covered her mouth .
12 Someone moved , close by , someone whose approach so far had been in silence , and she quickly took her hand away .
13 For a split second he looked oddly vulnerable , but then he pushed himself up in the bed , her wary eyes lingered on the naked gold of his shoulders , and she quickly changed her mind .
14 The emotions mounting within her had made her forget the kiwi , and she now left his knee to sit on the tree trunk .
15 She 'd sounded rather forlorn , she realised , and she silently cursed her frankness .
16 She heard the sound of his footsteps upstairs , and then the more distant noise of the shower being turned on , and she resolutely shut her mind to any wayward thoughts that might arise from there .
17 When midday arrived and she still had her job at Vasey 's , Leith began to have doubts that Naylor Massingham intended to dismiss her .
18 But Grimm nodded towards Meh'Lindi 's bedroom enquiringly and she too nodded her horse-head .
19 The only person that she spoke to on the whole crossing was a young man who fell on top of her as she and he were going down the stairs : he was following her , two steps behind , when the boat gave a violent lurch and he missed his footing and crashed into her , and she too missed her footing , and they both sat down together upon the stairs .
20 Jessamy 's fingers seemed to become nerveless , and she almost dropped her pencil .
21 ‘ In his office , ’ she replied , and she then returned her attention to her newspaper .
22 However , her future as a concert pianist was forestalled by an injury to her left hand and she then began her life 's work of promoting musical appreciation .
23 Joe had slipped his arm round her waist and she suddenly turned her head into his shoulder .
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