Example sentences of "and that [noun sg] be [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In both cases they have been led to believe that true faith is doubt-free and that doubt is the same thing ( and just as sinful ) as unbelief .
2 ‘ He said to tell you he was a patient man with a long memory , and that revenge is the sweetest taste of all . ’
3 It 's an antique and that bloke 's an antique dealer , he 's come to nick it off the line and flog it for thousands .
4 As Bishop Empey argued to the synod : ‘ Somehow we have to nail the lie that permissiveness flows from the Church of Ireland and that morality is the sole possession of but one Church in this land ’ ( Irish Times , 22 May 1986 ) .
5 And that person is the real spy . ’
6 While it was true that all religions were imperfect and that Hinduism was no different from Christianity in this respect , it did not follow that the Christian claim ‘ Jesus is the only son of God ’ could be universally accepted .
7 This trend was partially reversed in the years after 1885 because many officials felt that the prison regime was too lenient and that flogging was the only effective deterrent to crime .
8 There seem to me to be two problems with this line of argument ( which is essentially that speech is ‘ role-appropriate ’ and that gender is a major determinant of role ) .
9 Since you have only your own experience to appeal to , and that experience is the same in either situation , nothing can reveal to you which situation is the actual one .
10 The Chinese , as late as 1957 , still accepted Soviet leadership of the international communist movement : ‘ in the socialist camp there must be a head ’ , Mao explained to students at Moscow University , ‘ and that head is the Soviet Union .
11 ‘ They would go through the hotel kitchen to avoid the public , and that beach was the one place where he would take his toupee off .
12 Aristotle claimed that tragedy was the imitation of an action and that character was an important but supplementary consideration .
13 Furthermore the company is claiming to have the market to itself and that Workbench is the first tool set specifically aimed at mainframe maintenance to run on personal computers .
14 Now I 've done the narration for that and that video is a hundred and twelve action packed minutes about Nottingham in nineteen ninety three .
15 Although it was common gossip that Zoia 's private life was deeply and messily unhappy , and that alcohol was a frequent source of consolation , and of course the stories about Nicu 's debauchery and coarseness were unparalleled , Valentin 's public reputation ( which is to say , the cautious whispers between friends about him ) was positive .
16 In his younger days Noel had been influenced by F. D. Maurice [ q.v. ] , who had said ‘ I strongly believe that Christianity is the foundation of all socialism , and that socialism is the necessary result of all true Christianity . ’
17 You have seen that there exists convincing evidence that the Jovian interior is hot and that convection is the dominant mode of heat transport outwards .
18 I hope that you very much enjoy your well earned rest and that Christmas is a happy time for you and your family .
19 First , there is no system at all for publishing information about individual determinations , or about the subject generally : and secondly , the parties themselves often agree to keep details of their cases confidential , and that agreement is a binding contractual obligation .
20 This technique allows the salesperson to remind the buyer of the main points in the sales argument in a manner which implies that the moment for decision has come and that buying is the natural extension of the proceedings .
21 Their opponents retorted that time per se can not be perceived and that inference is the only means of our knowing time as an ontological reality .
22 If you are convinced that there is nothing after this earthly life and that death is the ultimate finality , then you can not be crying for the one who has died for he can not now be suffering in any way at all .
23 The Guv'nor told me to ride Ile de Bourbon in the big race telling me that I knew what he could do and that win was the biggest of my career so far but I 'll always remember Lester who had finished nearly last padding disconsolately into the weighing room and asking me ‘ Did you know your horse had improved so much ’ .
24 She discovered that the structure of organisations varied very widely and that technology was a major factor contributing to the variances .
25 Members were required to realize that ‘ rules have to be obeyed and that obedience is a necessary virtue ’ .
26 As I gave her an exaggerated account of my clashes with different members of my family , she continued to discourage me , saying that the work in London was hard and that exile was no easy way of life .
27 Their class instinct tells them that lasting full employment is unsound from their point of view and that unemployment is an integral part of the normal capitalist system .
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