Example sentences of "and he [verb] [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 When he left , after numerous rows with American socialists , though the class struggle was still his main concern , he had developed a new sympathy with cultural and political nationalism , his character had mellowed , and he had matured into a thinker of depth , breadth , and originality , and an orator of force and passion .
2 After his second King George , in 1959 , he had developed tendon trouble and was given nearly a year 's rest by trainer Fulke Walwyn , but if anything he was improving with age , and he had gone through the 1961–2 season unbeaten .
3 She had gone to the cloakroom at the back of the building to put on her white coat and he had gone to the box in Chief Inspector Martin 's office to switch off the system which protected the inner doors of the main Laboratory rooms .
4 Once on the ferry , Amanda and he had gone to the snack-bar and eaten prepacked sausage rolls and washed them down with beer ; she seemed to be able to drink quantities without degenerating into giggles like one or two earlier companions .
5 Without the help of the Pope , his royal father had made Zacco Archbishop of Nicosia when he was thirteen , and he had lived in the Archbishop 's Palace with Cropnose for years .
6 How many times had my heart sunk when I asked if we could go somewhere or try something new in our poems and he had answered with the excusing phrase ‘ I guess not ’ ?
7 And then in between , I was to go round with him , say in the afternoons or some mornings , and he had heard about a fox somewhere .
8 He needed to compare his ledger 's statistics with the industry averages/norm , and he had hoped for a concentrated sample from their trade association , but no such luck .
9 When Isaiah had his vision of God in the Temple , he cried aloud in anguish that we lost : even the angels could not bear the sight of the divine majesty but shielded themselves from it with their wings , and he had gazed upon the Lord of Hosts with his own impure eyes .
10 Ernest and he had met on the golf links and both shared a love of collecting antiques .
11 He went through his whole performance second by second , from the moment Westerman had introduced him and he had waved at the camera , to the moment Westerman had summed up , and he had told him it was absolutely fascinating .
12 He then remembered that seven years previously an instant coffee machine had been installed in the building where he worked and he had fallen into the habit of having a cup every time he passed it .
13 He said a man had taken a lunge at him and he had fallen to the ground .
14 Harvey had always had a mania for showers and baths and he had taken to the sauna ritual with great enthusiasm .
15 On 22 February the Chief Secretary to the Treasury , Peter Rees , had minuted the Prime Minister saying that the Chancellor and he had come to the conclusion that the Government should aim to save £2 billion from the social security review by 1987–8 .
16 His name was Sir Humphrey Agnew , and he had consorted with a witch hereabouts .
17 The catastrophe had evidently relaxed Willis 's habitual control , and he had spoken from the heart , but who could tell how much else survived ?
18 His book was almost finished , and he had thought of a title : The Character Of Completeness .
19 He had been doing road duty when the first wagons rolled past , with a US Cavalry Escort , and he had looked upon the face of the Josephite leader and known that these were the last days of the world .
20 What puzzled Jack was that he himself was very happy at Bradley Fold West and he had settled into the routine and managed the duties without any problems .
21 He had opted for the cynical , guarded approach , and now he could see that for all the safety it had brought him — here he was , in his second year , still solvent , heart intact , unmugged and even succeeding in his studies , despite all his mother 's fears — every defence had its price , and he had paid in a separating distance , incomprehension .
22 He asked the taxi he had taken to put him down at the top of the drift and he had walked to the house .
23 All she had done this morning was suggest that she bathe his wound again before they started out , and he had refused with a complete lack of gratitude or even common courtesy .
24 The myth developing around Johnson took on an existence of its own and he became known as a hero of black folklore , fitting into that tradition of ‘ bad niggers ’ , moral hard men who were , according to Lawrence Levine , ‘ admired because they had the strength , courage and ability to flout the limitations imposed by white society ’ ( 1977 , p.420 ) .
25 Part of the crest on his ducal coat of arms was a lion , and he became known as the Lion of Venice .
26 The start of the last play was delayed as ‘ Jesus ’ had elected to travel in his own car rather than on the lorry , and he became entangled in the mysteries of the town 's traffic system .
27 And his , and he got rid of the beautiful eagle erm you know , reading desk and he got rid of the Bishops 's erm , chair , the Bishop 's what do they call it ?
28 And his , and he got rid of the beautiful eagle erm you know , reading desk and he got rid of the Bishops 's erm , chair , the Bishop 's what do they call it ?
29 It seems she let him run wild while she got on with her business — hate to think what that was — and he got nabbed by the police .
30 William says both his parents were riding enthusiasts and he got put on a horse at the age of three … his mother used to ride for Britian in the sixties and she 's encouraged him to compete … it used to terrify him at first and he never dreamt he 'd be good enough to compete …
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