Example sentences of "and that [pers pn] would [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I had already explained to Maxine that discovering the reason for the phobia would not in itself be a cure , and that we would still have to work together to overcome it .
2 Jenking said he thought they were on the Dean and that they would soon beat over it into deeper water .
3 In July , when Nationalists protested at the failure of the corporation to appoint Nationalists to committee chairs , the mayor pointed out that fifteen or sixteen years ago the Nationalists had said that they would refuse to take such chairs and that they would only take part in corporation affairs in order to disrupt them .
4 However , an elderly man assured the expedition of the tribe 's ‘ warmest attachment and that they would always give them every assistance in their power ; that they were poor but their hearts were good ’ .
5 But I reminded myself that I was fortunate to have any sort of job , and that I would certainly get used to teaching these girls , who , although they were very poor , might be as good and as intelligent as children from the greatest families in England .
6 I seriously felt that I had lost my ‘ commercial sense ’ that I had before , and that I would never remember the intricacies of the High Court Rules , how to draft Court Pleadings or even how to write a sensible letter .
7 She also mentioned I was going to the dentist next week ( correct ) , I would travel often ( debatable ) and that I would still end up with a lot of money ( probably wrong ) .
8 I was beginning to think you hated me and that I 'd never hold you in my arms again , ’ he said huskily .
9 We were greeted by unnaturally cheerful ranger , who told us that there were 56 people on the list ahead of us so we did n't stand a chance and that it would probably rain anyway .
10 However , the government had made it clear that there would definitely be a public inquiry into this first example of the new design and that it would thoroughly investigate all the economic and safety arguments .
11 The Court of Appeal accepted that software was not a commodity that was handed over once and for all and that it would usually require testing and further modification .
12 On Oct. 13 the Russian Defence Minister , Marshal Pavel Grachev , had been quoted as saying that Russia 's moratorium " can not remain in force forever " and that he would shortly propose the limited resumption of nuclear testing at Russia 's test base on the Arctic island of Novaya Zemlya .
13 He turned his head away , and as the light caught his face at a certain angle Nenna realised in terror that he was right and that he would never get anywhere .
14 Gower and the TCCB were assured the tour of the subcontinent was in no danger and that he would still receive a cordial welcome in a country where he is admired and respected having beaten Sunil Gavaskar 's team there eight years ago .
15 I think with erm , I I was brought up in a household where it was com , completely legitimate to admit to being depressed and that you would just have to cope , I think cope perhaps my most
16 On the following day , however , after lengthy discussions with Cabinet and other colleagues , she announced that she was withdrawing and that she would accordingly resign as Prime Minister once the new party leader had been elected .
17 She was constantly promised that there was not going to be a war and that she would soon go back to her family .
18 And that she would never settle for anything less .
19 Without having to be told , she knew at once two or , rather , three things : the Second Front had begun , John was in the vanguard of operations and that she would never see him again .
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