Example sentences of "and it is [adj] that the " in BNC.

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1 And it is encouraging that the Chancellor has listened to the message from the industry .
2 The deaths of only eighty-one men of Hampshire at the battle of Æthelingadene in 1001 does not suggest fighting on a large scale , and it is noticeable that the same raiders shortly afterwards attacked Exeter and were repulsed .
3 And it is certain that the development of level three partnerships is dependent upon not just a rethinking by the sector partners but by government and its role in education and training — a process which has undoubtedly begun , but in a fitful way and without truly fundamental thinking .
4 At the time the thought never entered our heads that there could be any doubt about this , and it is certain that the effect on morale throughout the country was tremendous , especially as for months at a time the war news from other parts of the world was usually bad .
5 Irish teams do tour well and it is certain that the new assistant coach Gerry Murphy will improve the quality of Ireland 's back play .
6 Apollinaire , however , remained personally most intimate with Picasso , and it is certain that the literary circle which surrounded Picasso , and which included Max Jacob and Pierre Reverdy , was more advanced than that around Gleizes and Metzinger , whose closest friends , men like Mercereau and Nayral , belonged to the circle of Paul Fort and the older generation of Symbolists .
7 Undoubtedly the risings were connected with each other in so far as the news of the initial outbreak in Essex seems to have sparked off further unrest in adjacent counties , and later in more remote parts , and it is certain that the general circumstances of the time created an atmosphere which was ripe for revolt , but the differences of aim among the different groups of rebels suggest that each had its own grievances which it hoped to right by force .
8 Our knowledge of this is patchy , and it is certain that the quantity of trade is not a precise reflection of the prosperity of English shipping , as many exports were carried in foreign vessels .
9 Such prevention is in the province of every citizen and every politician , and it is sad that the political appeal of ‘ getting cancer licked ’ can divert extensive resources to activities of doubtful value .
10 Hedgerows are an important source of protection for flora and fauna , and it is sad that the Government have not dealt with that situation in a positive and effective way .
11 None of us knows what happened on that occasion , and it is sad that the participants can not remember , either .
12 Gonorrhoea is not a modern disease , and it is probable that the reference in Leviticus , Chapter 15 , to an ‘ issue out of flesh ’ is to gonococcal urethritis .
13 It is likely , however , that the coming together of the cold and the blackthorn blossom is one of accident ; and it is probable that the belief is another vestige of the primitive form of reasoning displayed in homoeopathic or imitative magic .
14 The amine and carboxyl linkages of phenylalanine residues are susceptible to attack by pepsin and it is probable that the action of pepsin , either in vivo or during the preparation of Frazer 's frunction III , cleaves the dodecapeptide .
15 But the stories have a universal appeal simply as stories , and it is good that the underlying programme seldom obtrudes as badly as in the gift-shop passage above , where the helpful aside about tourism affecting rural culture worldwide strikes a primary-school note .
16 You can use more glue than normal as the picture will not be displayed , and it is essential that the flowers should remain in their exact position .
17 The computer equipment now installed represents a considerable financial investment on the Garden 's part , and it is essential that the investment be protected .
18 The travel industry is a diverse and dynamic one and it is essential that the programme produces competent , versatile people who react positively to change and understand the forces which bring it about .
19 It is second to none and it is grateful that the figures that have been released today show that it will receive 10.2 per cent .
20 Many people who know that they may die in such circumstances wish to discuss the procedure beforehand , and it is possible that the authorities concerned may be prepared to do this .
21 Further , in earlier years the branch had attempted to extend its WEA social and educational activity into surrounding villages and it is possible that the branch had pressed the District for the appointment of a resident tutor in East Suffolk — although the documentary evidence on this point is somewhat unclear .
22 It appears that certain people have a predisposition to develop Reiter 's disease and it is possible that the organism responsible for NGU can act as a ‘ trigger ’ which sets off the inflammatory process .
23 That herd was apparently shy , rather fierce and polled and it is possible that the Ardrossan was ancestral to the White Galloway , or its coat colour might have come from the other White Park herds in Scotland ( for example at Cadzow Forest near Hamilton , Blair Atholl in northern Perthshire , the Duke of Buccleuch 's estate at Dalkeith , the Cumbernauld estate or Cally Palace at Gatehouse-of-Fleet ) .
24 The question in the 1959 survey was open-ended , and it is possible that the great increase in preparedness to act is an artefact of the changed method of question administration .
25 For example , the Swedes and the Norwegians are seeking to eliminate CFC use by 1995 , and it is possible that the rest of the world could follow suit .
26 We know that X-rays can be extremely hazardous , and it is possible that the frequencies associated with laser printers and microwave ovens may also be suspect .
27 Payment has never been demanded and it is possible that the provisions are not necessary because the liabilities they cover did not exist in the first place .
28 No fauna of pre-Chokierian age has yet been discovered , and it is possible that the early Namurian succession is condensed in the district .
29 Thucydides credited the Minoan kings with organizing the first naval fleet , and it is possible that the Minoans did indeed have a squadron of specially designed and equipped warships that were ahead of their time .
30 Bouguereau has not been selling well at auction in recent years , and it is possible that the recent exhibition at Borghi & Co. in New York has stimulated a revival of interest in his work .
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