Example sentences of "and it be [adv] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And it 's why they put these in
2 And it 's also you know your first few days you sort of you , you become a leech do n't you to the person that you know , you know the person sitting next to you .
3 Well of course the biggest social thing in Ireland is the pub and it 's not I mean the Irish have a a name for being very heavy drinkers but in general they 're not heavy drinkers they just spend a lot of time in pubs .
4 And it 's already I mean we 've we 've kept it in prime condition , painted with company colours .
5 ‘ That does n't concern you and it 's best you do n't know . ’
6 And it 's when you see these mothers there that the question : ‘ Why Care ? ’ receives its most direct answer .
7 Therefore if you 've got a relationship with somebody and all you seem to constantly to be doing is constantly arguing and it 's either I win or you win you 're never gon na get out of that unless other time .
8 Fogarty or something and it 's still we duck it down
9 And it 's how you put that point across , if you put it across and if the body language you use when you put it across and do you know what makes the biggest different the biggest difference about how you put it across the most important factor about how you put it across and what you 're trying to do ?
10 So the emphasis now is more on the people themselves , basically Neighbourhood Watch is your scheme , it 's not a police thing , we support it , we pay for the hall tonight , we pay for the signs for the street and we give you all the literature free , but it is your scheme and it 's how you want it to be .
11 mum goes , do n't you swear at her no swearing thank you , and it 's like she hates swearing , it 's like , not even swearing cows and animals
12 And , he 's put this in his type of thing and it 's like he 's got his arm stretched out right to his mouth and he 's got a cigarette in his in his hand and it 's that like .
13 But but apparently and Susannah are extremely tight with their money and it 's like you know ,
14 and it 's quite I need to get my b's at the top
15 Such episodes may , of course , be confused as passing acknowledgements , but the readiness to exchange such signals is one of the ways in which we register the normality of the passing scene and it is when we encounter consistent anomalies in the broadcast that we begin to suspect and perhaps report something odd .
16 I really believe , and it is here I think that I differ from your that there is a great deal in Tariff Reform ; and I believe also that there is a great deal even in the food part of it .
17 Despite his metrical conservatism ( his strenuous handling of the pentameter is surely surprising and admirable ) and his unfashionable addiction to the grand manner and the high style , Allen Tate was certainly a modernist ; that is what he was thought to be , and it is how he conceived of himself .
18 In my American soap thing and it was anyway I think it 's called midnight .
19 Charley Hoskins had been trained as a blacksmith but , like so many Saltash boys , had his heart set on the sea and it was when he had joined the Royal Navy that he met Ben Bellaser .
20 The Kolowrat family gave money for the church as one of their family belonged to the Jesuit Order and it was here they chose to be buried .
21 Chapter 3 provides information on a variety of religious faiths , and it was here I found the text least satisfactory .
22 He went to school in Attleborough and it was here he developed what he considered a ‘ natural advantage ’ in sport .
23 and it was where they pinned the er , the , get the lips , the circle .
24 Unless we lateral think and it was n't him put us here . ’
25 He did n't know lions and it was n't him had tae go inside the cage .
26 And it was n't you see , a matter of being intimately connected with other people 's dirty clothes — that 's something I was thankful for , I must admit .
27 So I had it , and honestly I did enjoy it , and it was n't tough and it was n't you did n't have to chew it !
28 It was her own cottage and it was all she had to show for 20 years of marriage so , she reasoned , she might as well make it look as good as possible .
29 At this point he decided to turn back , for even now it would be eleven before he was home and it was seldom he stayed out as late as that .
30 Saying er , I was telling it the other day , she said you could spend all that money on and she said , we went to see this horse , it was years ago before they got their own , she said the horse had just had its foal and it was like he 'd spent a thousand pound on the , the actual stallion yeah and it come out
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