Example sentences of "and in [noun sg] to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The ears should be neat and in proportion to the head .
2 Meetings for our members have been held on both of these issues , and in response to the scrutiny review , we circulated our membership with our detailed submission to the government to inform their own responses .
3 The statement said that Dr Wybran 's murder had been perpetrated ‘ in support of the Muslim Palestinian people … and in response to the generation of ‘ the children of the stone ’ ' .
4 The great majority of farmers continue to use minimal quantities of fertiliser although fertility is being depleted ; few governments are tackling the question of the use of their under-populated areas on a systematic basis ; the organizations which serve small farmers have cut back their operations in response to budgetary pressures and in response to the pressure for privatization ; the frequently competent staff of national agricultural research bodies are everywhere starved of funds for transport and field labour .
5 A party of soldiers arrived at the inn ; the travellers had earlier met them road-building between Fort Augustus and Anoch and in deference to the hospitality they had received from Mr Trapaud , Johnson and Boswell gave the men cash to buy drink — which now they did .
6 In the middle of Bangalore , as you thread through a jungle of exotic trees and overgrown ornamental gardens , cross long neglected croquet lawns , tennis courts and disused summer houses , you are confronted with Windsor Castle , or at least a very passable facsimile locked up and in pawn to the Government to pay Royal debts .
7 Mme Guérigny once told me that Jean-Claude 's weakness was in part due to his exemplary sensitivity and in part to the damp in the cave , which had affected his lungs and his joints .
8 But , even so , thanks in part to the new legislation , in part to the administrative machinery of the Court of Wards , and in part to the provision that monastic lands be sold as tenancies-in-chief , the income from feudal dues rose from £4,434 in 1542 to an average of £7,700 per annum in the first three years of Edward VI .
9 Their functions were transferred partly to lower-tier authorities , partly to new single-purpose joint authorities and in part to the Secretary of State .
10 The overall quietness , awe inspiring , almost like a mediaeval cathedral , was due in part to the forms and in part to the arrangement of those forms .
11 In general , and in addition to the contribution of the outside agencies mentioned earlier , the keys to the successful implementation of the project so far have been simplicity , communication and the involvement of staff from other sections within the Personnel Department at all stages of the development .
12 But it has to be said ( it has to be said ! ) wrote Harsnet , and Goldberg , typing , smiled to himself , it has to be said , wrote Harsnet , that if every project is likely , if not certain , to result in the addition of a little more shit to the shit that already exists , there is also the possibility , faint it is true but real , of the unexpected , and this is what delay makes possible and what the onward rush of time , the ever-increasing acceleration of time , perpetually denies , and in addition to the possibility of the unexpected appearing in the coils of delay , in addition to that , it has to be said , he wrote , that whatever the project , however trivial , however exalted , it will always say more than its maker knows , and , if genuine ( I will return to genuine ) , something will emerge which is distinct from whatever came before , from whatever elements went to make up the whole , a tone , a voice , which is not the tone or the voice of the maker but something else , something which , in my more optimistic moments , or perhaps my less clear-sighted moments , seems to be distinct from the shit though inseparable from it , a tone , a style , which links it to its maker 's other genuine ( I will return to genuine ) productions .
13 Species roses As remarked with regard to the English roses above , and in addition to the crossing back of the new with the old , there has been a return to and seeking after the more simple and unsophisticated beauties of the species roses , their forms and near hybrids .
14 Dundonald International Ice Bowl offers a comprehensive league and tournament programme and in addition to the competition it is a great way to make new friends .
15 In 1829–30 , like his father before him , he served as mayor of Kendal , and in addition to the house he had built for himself in the town ( c .1823 ) he had a country property in Lindale , Lancashire , which he inherited from his father , and he later built an occasional residence in nearby Grange-over-Sands .
16 Restaurants , antique and craft shops can be found in and around the township and in addition to the Castle currently undergoing environmental works , visitors are intrigued by the thriving ancient Corporation with its Portreeve , Jury and Common Attorney etc. which retains with pride local customs dating back to its 13th Century Charter .
17 Near the top of the hill stood the large white building which was the San Martino Museum and above it , and in contrast to the museum 's firm elegant lines , could be seen the solid brown ramparts of St Elmo 's Castle .
18 Much of it was of the Louis XIV period ( which has a much more limited market than Louis XVI furniture ) , and in contrast to the freshness of the Patiño lots , had mostly been recently bought at high prices .
19 The Directors have satisfied themselves that the Group has an effective system of internal control which includes a clearly documented and understood delegation of authority from the Board to the Executive Committee , and in turn to the operating companies .
20 While such rural development in non-agricultural activity was also made eligible for aid from the ERDF and ESF , the overall level of funding in this area was set at a relatively low level , in relation to the other Objectives , and in comparison to the budget allocated to the CAP .
21 ( 11 ) A member to whom a notice under this rule is given may appeal against that notice to the Appeal Tribunal in accordance with Chapter VIII of this Part and the notice shall state that that right exists and the time within which it may be exercised ; and — ( a ) a notice under paragraph ( 9 ) above shall state the reasons why it appears to the board to be desirable for the protection of investors for them to exercise their powers in the manner and in relation to the member in question ; and ( b ) a notice under paragraph ( 10 ) above shall state why the notice under paragraph ( 9 ) is being rescinded or varied .
22 However , it has assumed great importance in the case law of the European Court in recent years for an additional reason , namely a struggle for power between the different European institutions both inter se and in relation to the Member States .
23 In a subsequent article he sums up the reasons for de-industrialisation as follows : ‘ The most convincing explanation ’ , he writes , ‘ of progressive de-industrialisation in the U.K. is the weakening of the foreign trade sector with a slow growth of exports relative to other countries , and in relation to the propensity to import . ’
24 The package was the largest of its kind — both in nominal terms and in relation to the size of the economy — in Japanese history .
25 Well the proposals that are made in the in the Committees er report for funding erm seem to us acceptable with the exception of the comment we have already made erm i acceptable in the sense that they would be borne by erm all pension funds in proportion to their the size of their assets and in relation to the size of the er compensation has to be paid .
26 Dynamics of survival within the NMGC must be related to the role which the organisation has defined and redefined for itself in the light of a changing understanding of marital problems over time and in relation to the work of other agencies .
27 Of course I would like tenants to have realistic rent demands and then have successful businesses on the back of them , and I hope that the rent demands will turn out to be realistic in relation to the actual security of tenure offered under the new style of lease and in relation to the business opportunities offered under that style of lease as well .
28 Bukharin 's work The Economics of the Transition Period has a special place in his writings and in relation to the period in which it was written .
29 The arts , as noted above , can be viewed both in terms of properties of the art-objects and in relation to the stance of being .
30 And in relation to the greenhouse effect , FoE has calculated that by using energy-efficient fridges , freezers , domestic lighting and washing machines , the annual UK emission of carbon dioxide would be cut by 17.5 million tonnes .
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