Example sentences of "and in [noun sg] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Bolshevik leaders , tried in Moscow throughout 1937 and 1938 , claimed to have been under direct orders from Trotsky and in contact with the German and Japanese governments .
2 Subject to the terms of his appointment no member of the teaching research or administrative staff of the university ( including the vice-chancellor ) shall be removed from office save upon the grounds specified in paragraph 2 of this section and in pursuance of the procedure specified in clause 1 of this section .
3 A friend of mine , who was unemployed and in debt at the time , decided that he wished to attend a certain workshop in Hawaii .
4 The ears should be neat and in proportion to the head .
5 Meetings for our members have been held on both of these issues , and in response to the scrutiny review , we circulated our membership with our detailed submission to the government to inform their own responses .
6 The statement said that Dr Wybran 's murder had been perpetrated ‘ in support of the Muslim Palestinian people … and in response to the generation of ‘ the children of the stone ’ ' .
7 The great majority of farmers continue to use minimal quantities of fertiliser although fertility is being depleted ; few governments are tackling the question of the use of their under-populated areas on a systematic basis ; the organizations which serve small farmers have cut back their operations in response to budgetary pressures and in response to the pressure for privatization ; the frequently competent staff of national agricultural research bodies are everywhere starved of funds for transport and field labour .
8 Representations requesting her release [ and that of her husband while he was alive ] were made in writing to President Banda by successive Law Society Presidents , and in person by the Delegation of UK lawyers which visited Malawi and obtained permission to visit the Chirwas in prison in September last year .
9 A party of soldiers arrived at the inn ; the travellers had earlier met them road-building between Fort Augustus and Anoch and in deference to the hospitality they had received from Mr Trapaud , Johnson and Boswell gave the men cash to buy drink — which now they did .
10 One of the great issues in the revolutionary struggle of the seventeenth century ( and in a sense it had gone on ever since and , indeed , even before Magna Carta in 1215 ) , culminating in the Bill of Rights 1689 , was as to the liability of the subject to be taxed by the Crown without his consent as expressed by his representatives in Parliament and it was an issue resolved against the Crown and in favour of the subject .
11 On the one hand — and this is a point to which I shall return — there is a dual claim against Lukács ' evolutionism ( to the effect that different levels of a social formation are relatively autonomous : crudely , if bourgeois society is decadent this does not necessarily mean , as Lukács thought it did , that its art is too ) , and in favour of the possibility of being able to pass a positive ‘ aesthetic judgement ’ upon a particular work however questionable the general category under which it has been produced ( a position related to Brecht 's polemic against Lukács ) .
12 TCG is biased against the taxpayer and in favour of the Revenue , because losses can not be carried back and there is no provision for carrying forward unused annual exemptions nor for top-slicing ( spreading the gains over the years during which they have occurred ) .
13 It was found that the decision of the GMC to prevent advertising in the press was a lawful exercise of the statutory powers conferred on it by s35 of The Medical Act 1983 , and that if a statutory power was exercised intra vires , reasonably and in accordance with the purpose of the Act conferring the power , ( even though it restricted the plaintiff 's freedom to trade or practice his profession ) the court could not review the exercise of the power on the basis that it caused a restraint of trade , since the exercise of the power in accordance with the policy and the purpose of the Act could not be contrary to public policy and any review by the court would be unconstitutional .
14 This exercise , which cost over £200,000 , was carried out within the critical path time and in accordance with the CAT 's recommendations .
15 Sections 20 and 21 deal with the holding of partnership property as follows : s20 ( 1 ) All property and rights and interests in property originally brought into the partnership stock or acquired , whether by purchase or otherwise , on account of the firm or for the purposes and in the course of the partnership business , are called in this Act partnership property , and must be held and applied by the partners exclusively for the purposes of the partnership and in accordance with the partnership agreement .
16 SIGNED by us , two directors of the covenantor or a director and the secretary of the covenantor pursuant to a resolution of the board of directors and in accordance with the covenantor 's Articles of Association :
17 These vary between cultures and in accordance with the nature of the communication in the scale : intimate , casual , social , public or frozen .
18 Centres should ensure that assessment procedures being used are valid and reliable and in accordance with the information contained within each module descriptor .
19 Centres should ensure that assessment procedures being used are valid and reliable and in accordance with the information contained within each module descriptor .
20 9.2 On signature of this Agreement , undertakes to pay in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in Part ( 1 ) of Schedule 4 and in accordance with the Pricing Policy set out in Schedule 3 .
21 INDIAN security forces use torture to ‘ deter ’ people from political activities and in revenge for the violence of armed opposition groups .
22 Affirming that " practically every leader agrees that negotiation is the key to reconciliation , peace and a new and just dispensation " , and in support of the government 's " declared intention to normalise the political process … without jeopardizing the maintenance of good order " , de Klerk announced changes which he said removed some of the most important obstacles to negotiation , namely ( i ) the lifting of the ban on the ANC , the PAC , the SACP and a number of subsidiary organizations ; ( ii ) the release of those imprisoned for membership of one of these banned organizations ( but not members imprisoned for politically motivated crimes involving violence ) ; ( iii ) the abolition of the media emergency regulations and of the education emergency regulations , although restrictions would remain on " visual material pertaining to scenes of unrest " ; ( iv ) the removal of restrictions imposed on 33 organizations under the state of emergency , including the National Education Crisis Committee , the United Democratic Front ( UDF ) , the Congress of South African Trade Unions ( COSATU ) and an extreme right-wing group , Die Blanke Bevrydingsbeweging van Suid-Afrika ; ( v ) the lifting of personal restrictions imposed on 374 people already released from detention ; and ( vi ) a six-month limit on detention without charge under the emergency regulations , with detainees henceforth being entitled to legal representation and their own choice of medical attention .
23 In Italy , Austria and south Germany the baroque style went wild , but in England it was short-lived and remained terrifically reserved and in character with the nobility and gentry who were to live with it .
24 In the middle of Bangalore , as you thread through a jungle of exotic trees and overgrown ornamental gardens , cross long neglected croquet lawns , tennis courts and disused summer houses , you are confronted with Windsor Castle , or at least a very passable facsimile locked up and in pawn to the Government to pay Royal debts .
25 The increasing numbers of colleges approaching the CNAA had to do in part with difficulties over validation by universities — particularly those which were unwilling or reluctant to validate honours degrees — and in part with the attraction of the CNAA as a validating body which could consider a range of courses , including those in the areas of proposed diversification .
26 In this section , we take the view that the rate of wage inflation depends in part on the state of demand in the labour market ( as reflected by the unemployment percentage ) and in part on the degree of trade union militancy and the expected rate of inflation .
27 This is based in part on the growth of effective party organisation , which has steadily weakened parliament 's original critical role , and in part on the emergence of a complex civil service structure with access to information and technical expertise that are denied to ordinary Members of Parliament ( Poggi , 1978 ; Crossman , 1963 and 1975–7 ) .
28 Dicey 's identification of sovereignty as a basic principle is based in part on the work of earlier writers and in part on the use of historical examples to demonstrate both the breadth of Parliament 's authority and the absence of any competing legislative authority .
29 Mme Guérigny once told me that Jean-Claude 's weakness was in part due to his exemplary sensitivity and in part to the damp in the cave , which had affected his lungs and his joints .
30 But , even so , thanks in part to the new legislation , in part to the administrative machinery of the Court of Wards , and in part to the provision that monastic lands be sold as tenancies-in-chief , the income from feudal dues rose from £4,434 in 1542 to an average of £7,700 per annum in the first three years of Edward VI .
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