Example sentences of "and i [modal v] be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Did you say to her , I 'm going out to re I 'm going out and I may be gone for a long time .
2 Another day or two and I 'll be skipping like a ram on the high hills .
3 Do n't forget tomorrow night we have another Sport Special , Nottingham Forest against Wolverhampton Wanderers in the Endsleigh Insurance first division , Colin will be in this seat and I 'll be popping across to Molyneux , my first ever trip to Molyneux would you believe ?
4 " And I 'll be watching for you . "
5 ‘ He has n't done anyone any favours and I 'll be talking to him about it .
6 ‘ His approach showed no respect and I 'll be talking to his coach . ’
7 Now in order to understand this and not to misunderstand terms , we 've got to unders the first thing we have to understand is what Darwin 's Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection is all about and the problem with this , and in some ways this is analogous to the problem with Freud , and I 'll be talking about this later , is that er when Darwin put forward his Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection in eighteen fifty nine it was confused and misunderstood because of the ideas of other people like Herbert Spencer and the so-called Social Darwinists , who coined slogans like , for example , survival of the fittest .
8 so I 'll be sitting talking to Donna , cos Donna , Helen and Jenny be sitting in one group with Sarah , they 'll be chatting away and I 'll be sitting in the middle , sitting on
9 ‘ And you immediately assumed that you had outstayed your welcome and I would be thinking to myself , ‘ Mon Dieu , now I have to face that idiotic English girl . ’
10 And we know there are various er responses to that question , and I would be looking to the districts to say whether or not they could cope with the various levels of provision that have been identified for Greater York , and it 's the view of whether they can cope within their own districts , I have n't said how you can cope , I said whether you can cope , you might I will I will leave you free to make the odd comment , but I want to focus on that part of the issue , and then the natural corollary to that is , will it be necessary , or is it considered necessary in the context of this alteration to provide specific guidance within H One policy for the distribution of that er development to er at sub , what I would call sub-district level , in other words do you want a specific entry for say Ryedale or Hambledon ?
11 Words uttered in haste often have a prophetic ring to them ; within a month Benjamin and I would be fighting for our lives on icy waters in Somerset . )
12 I used at times to feel somewhat worried when she would play the supremely confident coquette with me and I would be enthralled by her charms , but then I came to the conviction , some time ago , that such moments of relatedness could only be nourishing for her developing personality as well as delightful to me .
13 Next Tuesday it 's the turn of drama and literature , and I shall be looking at the place of Britain in Europe with the help of Gabriel Droskapovchy .
14 ‘ I have not felt so well for a long time and I shall be tempted to be very vulgar in my speech . ’
15 ‘ Having said that , though , I am sure I 've got the ability to do something and I shall be aiming for a points finish at least . ’
16 The situation has thrown me a bit and I shall be talking to him again because I want to know exactly what 's going on .
17 We have a council meeting on December 15 and I shall be talking to the rest of the Labour group about proposing a motion condemning his antics .
18 Lawrie McMenemy was in Rome and I shall be talking to him about it . ’
19 John MacLean , the Llanelli chairman and a national representative of the WRU , said : ‘ I 'm disappointed with the decision and I shall be asking for a detailed explanation of the management committee 's decision . ’
20 She 's also a friend and I 'd be lost without her .
21 So I always sit up in bed for ages really wide awake , and I 'm reading and doing all sorts of thinking like things , and I 'd be talking to Ben , and he would say yeah , yeah , and he 's really vague as well , and I , I get really angry and then I think you can tell because then you tend to lean across and say , are you alright , are you alright , and I just find it makes it worse .
22 thinking in , in , in the context of our , of our mission , this town wide mission , well that 's Billy 's job , he 's better at it than I am , but its not his job , its my job as much as its his and its your job as much as its mine , we do not well to keep silent these men they were troubled by their sin of silence , perhaps you and I should be troubled by our sin of silence because the extension of that , and here 's the really great thing , as far as they were concerned , the ex the , the ongoing because they were troubled by their sin of silence and they did something about it , they were thrilled at the sight that they saw , as they see the city being delivered , and as they see starving men and women eating food perhaps for the first time in days or weeks , buying good wholesome food at a reasonable price , that was the sigh that thrilled them and you can imagine them , and I think they 'd be entitled to a little bit of pride that I 'm glad we told them , I 'm glad we went back and shared the news apart from any thing we could n't of coped with all ourselves , it would of been so wrong to of kept it , it would of been so wrong just to of eaten it ourselves , I 'm glad we went back and told them .
23 I will be running a tighter ship , and I will be speaking to each of you personally about my expectations of you .
24 , the Head of the Junior School , and I will be speaking to all prospective parents and children at 10.00 a.m. , after which pupil guides will be available to escort you .
25 Richard and I will be moved to the Garden Tower and there lodged on the upper floor . ’
26 And I will be contacted by Clive
27 At any moment , I thought , these people will remove their green hats to reveal powdered wigs , and I will be sentenced to life imprisonment or a job with British Rail .
28 If I refuse , you and your colleagues will make sure that those notes of mine find their way to the KGB , and I will be exposed as a traitor .
29 ‘ Do n't worry — Ross and I will be looking after the twins .
30 I will be voting for the motion and I will be voting against the amendment .
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