Example sentences of "and was [adv] [verb] by the " in BNC.

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1 He arrived in Abyssinia and was cordially received by the Emperor , but was never allowed to leave the country .
2 Britain decided not to screen the series , and was widely condemned by the European media for her typically non-communautaire attitude .
3 It soon became a phenomenal success , and was closely followed by the opening of a major factory in Wijk , Holland , ‘ bought with borrowed money that was not available to the company ’ , James commented .
4 This was launched on 26 February 1981 and was closely followed by the Maximum Investment and the Flexicover Plan .
5 Tell me it , you lying little shite , she said repeatedly , and was partly reassured by the fact she had him floundering .
6 Ellen screamed and was instantly seized by the other man , who , laughing at her wild struggles , began to force her down to the floor .
7 Edward , offended by the detergent , wandered out into the garden and was instantly distracted by the sound of digging from beyond the yew hedge .
8 A girl emerged from the dairy with a pan of milk and was instantly surrounded by the stable cats , mewing pleadingly as though they had not caught a single mouse for days .
9 She went up the ladder , and was immediately grasped by the upper arms and marched unceremoniously into the great hall , where the family had gathered .
10 For the WEA it was an unacceptable proposal and was immediately rejected by the District .
11 ‘ Avuncular kindness ! ’ said Harold aloud , and was immediately revolted by the phrase .
12 He tugged open the warped door and was immediately engulfed by the steam from the cauldron within .
13 They argue that Y6N17 could not be easily produced by volcanism , and was probably formed by the same impact event as the Haiti glasses .
14 This ‘ problem ’ reflected the increased power of the shop stewards movement in a macroeconomic context of sustained relatively full employment and an industrial context of increased concentration of labour in the mass production of standardised commodities , and was probably exacerbated by the restriction of real wages over the late '60s : it was by no means unique to Britain .
15 However , it must be emphasised that the flexibility shown by the local authority in approving this combination of residential and occupational functions within individual units is very unusual and was probably encouraged by the planners ' recognition that this approach could act to conserve a listed building with the least possible alteration of its character .
16 The policy was a product of Chatichai 's influential group of advisers and was reportedly opposed by the Foreign Ministry itself ; in August veteran Foreign Minister Siddhi Savetsila was replaced , largely because of his opposition to Chatichai 's Indo-China policy .
17 It was , however , rejected by Buthelezi , who claimed that the congress would be designed to enable the ANC to take power , and was also rejected by the radical Pan-Africanist Congress ( PAC ) , which was opposed to dialogue with the government .
18 The company was unable to interest any British firm in making the fuel and was also deterred by the government 's failure to exempt RME from fuel duty .
19 He could n't be sure she would have the heart to go on running racehorses if she were forced to believe Harry a murderer … if she thought he had left her without warning , without a note , if she were worried sick by not knowing where he 'd gone , and was also haunted by the thought of Harry with Angela Brickell . ’
20 The EDC remained a subject of controversy and delay for four years , and was finally rejected by the French National Assembly in August 1954 .
21 At best , the nanny was under great stress and was frequently wounded by the horns of her suitors .
22 In Scotland 's 1–0 defeat by Brazil he was noticeably slow to respond in the run up that led to Brazil 's winning goal and was unfairly attacked by the press .
23 Although counting himself an enthusiastic Darwinian , he favoured a Lamarckian view of the evolutionary mechanism and was strongly influenced by the idealist trend in pre-Darwinian biology .
24 The garrison consisted of 200 regulars , plus some Argyllshire militia , and was vastly outnumbered by the Jacobites , but the defenders enjoyed naval support , for several vessels lay alongside the fort and assisted its guns in some effective counter-battery fire .
25 I arrived ten minutes later for dinner with Howard and was completely recovered by the end of the meal .
26 Despite its immense size , it was severely underpowered : by the late 1940s , with BOAC refusing to use it and with no other customer , the project became an expensive white elephant and was ultimately scrapped by the succeeding Conservative government .
27 For the next couple of weeks , Brenda had phone calls from various people claiming the dogs belonged to the Sharmas and was even visited by the local police , although they were quite happy that her request for a description was reasonable .
28 The unity of the party survived and was even strengthened by the clearing of the air , but the crisis left a bitter taste .
29 The Egyptian nationalists were crushed in 1882 , but their cause survived and was even helped by the improvement of Egyptian life under Cromer 's proconsulate .
30 In the absence of other acceptable proposals or of the will on the part of government to override opposition to such proposals as existed , shortage of revenue remained an obstacle to central government action and was acutely worsened by the high cost of the Boer War which opened in 1899 .
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