Example sentences of "and is [vb pp] [prep] other [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The idea of the ‘ marketing concept ’ is taken up in Chapter 31 , and is compared with other approaches to marketing .
2 A copy of a module which is uniquely identified by its module issue number and is related to other versions with the same module name .
3 Again we should note that this increase in conceptual precision can be achieved , and is achieved in other languages , without recourse to grammatical devices of this kind .
4 It is in widespread use , and is supported by other cad systems .
5 The cap stone is about 12ft by 9ft and is supported by other stones .
6 It has just launched a booklet ‘ The Case Against Tobacco Advertising ’ , which has been sent to all MPs and is endorsed by other charities , medical organisations , the Health Education Authority , NHS Authorities and Trusts and the trade union movement .
7 Ingredient Y's price has been very stable and is used for other products currently manufactured and sold by the company .
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