Example sentences of "and is [adv] more [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 He does not want his team disrupted and is even more concerned that one might be injured while playing for the county .
2 The owner has seen us and is even more surprised than we are ; after all , she was sunbathing nude by the side of the pool !
3 The road from Ankh-Morpork to Chirm is high , white and winding , a thirty-league stretch of potholes and half-buried rocks that spirals around mountains and dips into cool green valleys of citrus trees , crosses liana-webbed gorges on creaking rope bridges and is generally more picturesque than useful .
4 Not only is it very much easier to culture than brine shrimp , but it also much cheaper and is probably more nutritious as well .
5 If the purpose of sex is to have children , then , is there a special sort of casual , slightly illicit sex with near-strangers which has nothing to do with procreation and is also more exciting than the other steady sort ?
6 There are two broad categories ; the one type is available off the peg , supported by large software houses and is designed for general application ; the other is tailored specifically for the employment agency market and is naturally more expensive but usually more user friendly since it is written to perform a specific set of operations .
7 The system is part of the regional heritage and is currently more relevant than Western forms of democracy .
8 The catapult works very much like a stone thrower as described in the Warhammer rules except that the Goblin is able to steer himself to his target and is therefore more accurate than a stone .
9 The initial of the novel 's title promises withheld meaning , and is therefore more appropriate than Pynchon 's original title for the novel ( World on a String ) , but the absurdity of Stencil 's activities disqualifies him as an analyst of a hidden principle in modern history , signalled melodramatically as the ‘ Ultimate Plot which Has No Name ’ .
10 It will continue to do so and is far more committed than either of the other parties
11 It has been claimed that company-level bargaining has advantages over , and is presumptively more efficient than , industry-wide bargaining in that wages can be related directly to the firm 's performance , profitability and capacity to pay ( Ulman , 1974a ) .
12 Both resolve to wait until the GP has performed the pregnancy test before telling anyone , even though the GP 's pregnancy test uses much the same sort of chemistry as the commercial one and is hardly more reliable or definitive .
13 The first is a reason at a more particular and factual level and is correspondingly more sensitive than the other to changes in hypotheses about the emergence of human beings .
14 This alloy is naturally silvery in colour and is much more hard-wearing than a thin layer of tinning , but it requires a high degree of skill to control the casting conditions .
15 Rigel is only marginally fainter than Capella or Vega , and is much more luminous than either .
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