Example sentences of "and the [adj] [noun] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The section will conclude with some remarks on two topics of special interest : the effects of exchange depreciation on the balance sheets of Yugoslav banks , and the revealing light thrown on the Yugoslav financial system by the recent collapse of the Bosnian firm of Agrokomerc .
2 Much of the figures is covered in close-set pattern , and the decorative effect enhanced by patches of white and purple-red .
3 A key turned in the lock , the top light was switched on and the errant Carole stood on the threshold , her suitcase in hand .
4 Only Hangleton , now buried beneath Hove , has been adequately excavated and the archaeological work related to documentary evidence .
5 It leaves out of all account the various structural requirements which must be satisfied , and the various restrictions imposed by the law on the workings of trusts .
6 With so many sections refused in the Act and the various restrictions imposed by the local authorities , the B.E.T .
7 The attached leaflet describes what RIGS are and the various benefits associated with a local system .
8 With other constants which define array sizes , such as maxExp , minExp and the various constants related to the number of rows and columns in the picture it is possible that an increase will lead to a memory overflow or long waits for some actions to terminate .
9 Nevertheless , there is bound to be substantial job displacement and creation , and the various tendencies highlighted by the Council for Science and Society ( CSS 1981 ) , and by such writers as Mike Cooley ( n.d. ) and Tony Watts ( 1983 ) , have to be taken seriously .
10 Correlations between all these variables and the various measures used in the study are given in Appendix 1.2 , only the most potentially interesting ones will be considered here .
11 Electricity has taken over from steam and gas , and the present output fluctuates between 3 and 5 million gallons per week .
12 The bridge , named after Francis Joseph 's empress , was blown up by the retreating Germans in 1944 and the present structure dates from the early 1960s .
13 The original citadel was destroyed by fire in 1938 and the present building opened in 1940 .
14 It was revived in 1948 and the present law emerged in 1964 after a report from a Congressional Commission and Advisory Committee on International Rules of Judicial Procedure .
15 in Southwark , south-east London ; the first church on this site was built about 1122 , and the present edifice dates from 1736 .
16 ‘ The heir to the throne gulped nervously , the assembled dowagers glared upwards and the poor girl fled from the scene . ’
17 He broke his hip whilst hunting and the poor man walked with a limp from then on .
18 In fact the mountains were cumulus clouds and the roaring sound came from the surf .
19 The sleeve for the hemiplegic arm is gathered together , and the unaffected hand goes into it from the cuff , in order to draw the hemiplegic hand into the sleeve up to the wrist .
20 Colonel Joshua Jebb , the powerful architect of the prison system , was also implicated in the conspiracy , accused of selecting only the burliest convicts for release on ‘ ticket-of-leave ’ ; and the well-fed convict feasting on turtle soup , rump steak , pudding and ale was another obvious target .
21 The pots were heated and the essential oils rose in the steam and became lodged within the wool .
22 These contrasted the Western models with the sorts of restrictions that could and were applied to the media in other political systems : the media were not free to publish , the expression of opinion was controlled , the Party/government could dictate the content of the media , and the essential freedoms associated with the Western models were obviously absent .
23 WALL AFTER WALL of raging water rose up and thundered on to the strange craft intent on destroying it and the frail humans clinging to it for their lives .
24 His body ached all over and the wounded arm felt as if it were dropping off .
25 I am the fountain sealed up , the walled garden where the lord Christ takes his rest at noon ; I am my Own grille and enclosure and the desperate bride vowed to him who blesses my chains .
26 The Sunday press , the weekly press and the provincial press paled into insignificance in the light of the metropolitan press which replayed daily the myriad Parliamentary political scene in print .
27 Then after the elections or rather during the elections , we have to make sure that they are free and fair as you 've just heard and we from Britain and the Anti-Apartheid Movement has to be vigilant to ensure that we have international monitors from the U N , from the European Community , from the Commonwealth and individuals from , from Britain and elsewhere .
28 Probably , demand in the loan market and the perceived risk associated with a loan are the two most important influences on spread sizes .
29 It would require animal cunning , zeal and the utter ruthlessness demanded in defence of Islam .
30 It compounds still further those two legacies so actively conjoined since the previous summer of 1837 : the historical , biogeographical ( including ecological ) concerns that he had inherited from Lyell , and the generational concerns deriving from his study with Grant and subsequent reading in Erasmus Darwin .
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