Example sentences of "and the [noun sg] of [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The work of Pawson Williams Architects exploring ideas on composition and the fragility of modernism in the city , at the Blanc de Bierges Gallery , Business Design Centre , Islington , London N1 .
2 For Rees , macho characteristics comprise ‘ guts rather than integrity ’ and the portrayal of violence as an admirable personal quality .
3 Catchpool ( known to his friends as ‘ Jack ’ and to his colleagues as ‘ Catch ’ ) combined in his personality the innocent enthusiasm of a child and the tenacity of purpose of a mature and deeply spiritual man , enlivened by a puckish sense of humour .
4 and the breaking of day in the
5 Although this example has dealt with the analysis of pottery , the same basic approach of identification , sorting , grouping , quantification , comparison with examples from elsewhere , and the formulation of conclusions from the evidence is used in the study of most finds and environmental samples .
6 In accordance with these principles , arrangements should be made for " the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of Israel from the occupied territories in Palestine , Syria and Lebanon ; Syria 's withdrawal from Lebanon ; a withdrawal between Iraq and Iran ; and the formulation of arrangements for the situation in Kuwait " .
7 The ‘ council movement ’ was especially vigorous , and was widely debated among socialists in the years immediately preceding and following the First World War ( Renner , 1921 ; Pribicevic , 1959 ) ; and more recently it again aroused growing interest as a result of the experience of workers ' self-management in Yugoslavia , some tentative steps in that direction in other East European countries during the 1970s , and the formulation of ideas about ‘ participatory democracy ’ that arose from the new social movements of the late 1960s .
8 This is based on clinical signs and the finding of eggs in the faeces .
9 The court will not evaluate the evidence and the finding of facts as an appeal court ; that is not the purpose of judicial review .
10 Other individual signs that seemed useful were the observation or history of cyanosis and the finding of crepitations on examination .
11 While in social terms this objective may be desirable , opening up the investment aids to reach an even wider range of farms could seriously exacerbate the agriculture/nature conservation conflict in the LFAs as more pastures and hay meadows are converted to grass leys , roughland improved agriculturally and wetlands drained although the reduction in drainage grants and the abolition of grants for land cultivation in December 1984 makes such an extension to smaller farms rather academic .
12 Owner occupiers account for 23pc of households and the inclusion of work to their properties would have a beneficial effect on the overall scheme , members heard .
13 The main obstacles to an agreement appeared to be the desire of the Guam government to retain veto powers over the application within the territory of US federal legislation , and the issue of self-determination for the indigenous Chamorros , who constituted some 45 per cent of the population .
14 They discussed the sharing of assets and liabilities of the old Pakistan , and the issue of repatriation of 228,000 Pakistanis still stranded in Bangladesh .
15 The group did not have another discussion about wages for housework as such , although they did for some months follow Ruth 's prepared reading list — an introductory series of Marxist texts , and the issue of wages for housework emerged again through that , in a theoretical discussion .
16 ( I did not earn , as Leslie imagined , three times his pay : in fact I got £200 a year , out of which I paid a pound a week income tax , a guinea a week for billeting , five shillings for transport , and the cost of meals at the cafeteria at Bletchley .
17 Other indicators of expenditure which will be monitored — though the extent of monitoring will vary between authorities — will be the rate and volume of contributions from relatives and charities , and the cost of placements in residential homes .
18 As more JARs become part of harmonisation regulation we hope that this work and associated costs will diminish in the next year or so , and the cost of work on JARs must be set off against work not needed on BCARs .
19 Costs include : buying or leasing the new property ; building and refurbishment ; staff costs ( including redundancy/severance payments , retention payments if staff are to be encouraged to stay until the move goes ahead , recruitment and training costs for new staff and relocation and removal allowances for those moving ) ; communication costs ( including the installation of telephone and telex facilities and changes to stationery ) ; occupancy costs ( including rent , rates , lighting , heating and security ) and other costs ( such as new machinery and the cost of removal of goods from the old to the new site ) .
20 And the cost of admission for the better seats in the house — £30 and £23 .
21 This section does not cover expenses recovered under a reciprocal health arrangement and the cost of treatment in the British Isles , available under a State Insurance Scheme .
22 The official death toll was given as five and the cost of damage in Fez was estimated at $15,000,000 , according to the official news agency MAP .
23 Until the early 1960s the effects of rural depopulation , the dilapidation of much rural property and the cost of travel to urban centres all contributed to the lower price of rural housing compared with urban areas .
24 The organisation has developed an assessment package which enables members to determine their quality positioning against internationally recognised role models and it runs common interest working parties where member companies can work together solving problems of quality progression and sharing knowledge and experience over such issues as benchmarking and the cost of non-conformance with quality .
25 The time taken and the cost of transport for raw materials and for sending finished goods to the main markets in England cause many managers to choose to place their factories elsewhere .
26 The appalling state of the roads and the cost of transport by coach placed most journeys out of the reach of all but the affluent classes who had begun coastal visits for medical treatment and relaxation in the early part of the century .
27 There are a lot of libraries , and the cost of reclassification of their entire stock would be enormous .
28 And , although this huge deficit is in large measure a consequence of the fall in tax revenue and the cost of unemployment in the recession , the IFS expect it to remain at this level for some years even if a gradual recovery does take place .
29 And , although this huge deficit is in large measure a consequence of the fall in tax revenue and the cost of unemployment in the recession , the IFS expect it to stay at this level for some years even if a gradual recovery does take place .
30 During the last quarter of the nineteenth century , the needs of the sick and disabled at the workhouse occupied more and more of the time and energies of the officers and the Board of Guardians to whom they were responsible .
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