Example sentences of "and the [noun] be [v-ing] to " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It means , ’ said Caspar , ‘ that you and the Gnomes are going to be impaled on spikes and partly roasted on the Fidchell board .
2 ‘ The solenoids in the metering room are all to buggery and the dials are flicking to and fro like dildos . ’
3 The crowd had thinned , and the day was coming to an end .
4 Moreover , the peasantry were proving more acquiescent than had been expected , and the government was responding to the financial concern of the nobility with a variety of measures including plans to establish provincial banks .
5 If you are doing a lot of work reports , you 're going to do a longer transcription , and the transcription 's going to , cos you 've got to make sure that your transcription 's according to the basis of consistent in its way around .
6 I never did , but when it came up for auction , it just seemed like it would make her smile , and the money was going to a good cause , too .
7 Erm and the difficulty is proving to some of the L E As that you 're actually self-employed .
8 ‘ I make sure my heart is beating well and the oxygen is pumping to my brain every day . ’
9 The evening was dropping like velvet and the lagoon was fading to a deep dusky richness in which the curving palms were reflected as cleanly as though the water were a dark-silvered looking-glass .
10 It was only just after seven o'clock and the course was coming to life .
11 And then the drawbridge was falling , with a clanking and a whirring of machinery and the light was pouring into the courtyard and the Gnomes were cheering and the giants were nodding to one another , and there was nothing for it but to ride away with Snodgrass , with Balor loping along at their side , with Fenella behind in the hands of the Gruagach .
12 SAG chairman of the board , John Robertson said ‘ we were n't expecting to have to work so hard at promoting the technical specifications … and the price is having to back off on these projects . ’
13 I love what I 'm doing for Revlon but there are two things that I do think about , one is becoming an actress and the other is going to university to study art history .
14 And the others are going to be the same rather less .
15 Well there is n't actually regrettably there is so much personal debt within the City , and the problem is rising to such an extent that all the bodies that provide money advice , including for example the Citizens ' Advice Bureau , which we also fund , are overwhelmed by the numbers of people coming to them .
16 While the Maastricht Treaty lies in tatters , and the ERM 's crumbling to pieces , the European Public Domain scene is stronger than ever .
17 SSD director Martin Manby later said : ‘ With the benefit of hindsight — and the jury were referring to events in the 1970s — a thorough review of the foster home following Mrs Hanby 's illness would have been appropriate ’ .
18 It was still early in the evening and the night was going to be very long .
19 Now he might remember I think the court come just before the after Nicola , and the car was going to because I know we had to go on the train to Liverpool and er , I 'd got ta give evidence as well , they made such a palaver !
20 This is a corporate warrior 's office , and the interviewee 's going to be left in no doubt about it .
21 Julia and the kids are going to her parents in Cumbria .
22 Jack and the kids are going to Hull tomorrow .
23 And the pressure was getting to him .
24 And the target is going to be business people , whether local or foreign , ’ says Ms Van Housen .
25 He was suddenly tired and the beer was going to his head , making him think of Madra lying in the house they had left , and of the long journey ahead of them through the mountains .
26 ‘ At the moment Pierrot wants to be captain of a transatlantic liner and the twins are going to be purser and head steward . ’
27 The government had published the employment White Paper , and the war was drawing to a close .
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