Example sentences of "and the [noun] that [pron] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 In this book we will be using the ‘ C-word ’ in these senses to refer to the present penal situation in England and Wales , albeit with slight embarrassment and the worry that it has been used so often and for so long that there is a danger that it may be losing its dramatic impact .
2 And the finding that it takes 400 msec to generate the electrical activity associated with the meaning of visually presented words suggests that this is one of the most complex activities our perceptual systems are asked to perform .
3 The power of instinct , fierce and primitive , and the knowledge that it brings .
4 For example , it is possible to monitor pollution from incinerator chimneys in hospitals and in that regard I sympathise with the hon. Member for Tooting ( Mr. Cox ) and the problems that he has in his constituency .
5 ‘ I 'm not anti-drink , I 'm anti the abuse of drink and the hassle that it causes , ’ he told me during an interview carried out in one of the three plush hotels he owns .
6 In the first , I discuss the relations between fallibilism and naturalism by examining the opposition to naturalism of the pragmatist , C. S. Peirce , and the way that he reconciles this with his fallibilism .
7 It varies in brightness and the way that it varies picks it out .
8 Corruption , and the way that it extends from the top to bottom of society in American cities , is the subject of ‘ City of Hope ’ , John Sayles ' new film that was shown at the prestigious Sundance Film Festival in America and in the market at Cannes .
9 Erm , where the , the authority , not just the County Council , but the authority in the partnership , get involved in lobbying exercises with the , with the government to try to ensure that rural post offices can actually give out vehicle licences , because it 's very , if you look in the north of the county , outside the towns there 's only four post offices , I think , that can actually give out vehicle licences , and yet in the rural areas , we have a lot of people with vehicles , and we , and the way that it counts towards , the way that it counts up towards a post office 's survival , it 's these high value items are significant in keeping post offices open .
10 Rather , its importance results from where it lies in the circuits of the left hemisphere and the way that it processes the inputs it receives .
11 Because of the low status of part time training and the realisation that it makes the period between registration and achieving a consultant post even longer , the proportion of doctors training part time has dropped as the proportion of women graduates has increased .
12 The questions that must be asked relate to the promises that it presents , especially in the context of world food supplies and the alleviation of environmental pollution , and the caution that it necessitates in relation to the potential ecological havoc it may wreak .
13 I have great difficulty coming to terms with all that was being said under H one about migration and the relationship to Leeds and the idea that it matters enormously in the realm exactly where this new settlement , which I hope does go ahead , actually goes .
14 If that succeeds we really will be able to maintain the momentum of the fund and the work that it does throughout the world .
15 A first step in the process is to examine the gap between what the company income is likely to be from the products now in production and the income that it wishes to have over the next planning period .
16 Before beginning to investigate a complaint , the Commissioner will tell the complainant and the member that he has accepted it for investigation .
17 And er I lost touch with her after that but Joyce was very nice , very , very a down to earth cockney girl from Hockston and she said er she 'd tell her sister she said I do admire my sister she said they 'll never have anything other than a council house , I do n't suppose but she said my brother-in-law mends people 's motorcycles as a side line and the money that he gets from that he gives her most of it and she buys things on hire purchase , this was the days when hire purchase was n't fearsomely expensive
18 Thanks to our parliamentary system and the stability that it has given us , the British people have been spared the horrors of revolution , civil war and invasion for more than 300 years .
19 However , those who operate the law are well aware that it will only be respected to the extent that it conforms with public opinion : the reason why journalists and broadcasters are not prosecuted much more often for undoubted infringements of the letter of the laws of contempt and official secrecy is simply that the authorities are well aware that up-to-the-hilt enforcement of these vague laws would bring the law into further disrepute , and precipitate precisely the sort of clash between government and the press that it has been the British genius to avoid , whenever possible , by cosy arrangements .
20 Mrs Thatcher , and the attitudes that she presents , were a challenge to many established ways in the universities .
21 Freedom of the press has a long history , but it is only since 1980 that the right to communicate and the freedom that it entails has been seen as the very centre of human rights , and indeed as a precondition for a meaningful implementation of other human rights .
22 Responsibility for the key tenets of deconstruction — the autotelism of language , the inability of language to refer , the figurality of all language , and the self-deconstructing nature of literary texts — is therefore ambiguously divided between de Man and the texts that he reads .
23 Our general topic of discussion is perceptual consciousness and the problem that it constitutes for physicalism .
24 In the evolution game , whether the computer version or the real thing , the player ( or observer ) obtains the same feeling of wandering metaphorically through a labyrinth of branching passages , but the number of possible pathways is all but infinite , and the monsters that one encounters are undesigned and unpredictable .
25 The human brain , and the body that it controls , can not do more than one or a few things at once .
26 As a frequent visitor to Scotland I have formed a great admiration for the Scottish farmer 's skills , particularly in animal husbandry and the attention that he pays to the production of a crop of whose product I am a not infrequent consumer .
27 The hon. Member for Foyle ( Mr. Hume ) has , much more eloquently than I could , told us of the damage that it does and the effect that it has on the young people of Northern Ireland because it gives them a future of either migration or unemployment .
28 But it is certainly er a body which is er recognised as responsible and indeed in er tax law and in various other ways er its promulgations and the standards that it sets are are generally regarded as acceptable but these matters of course are kept under review .
29 The answer that he gave my hon. Friend the Member for Dover ( Mr. Shaw ) and the answer that he has just given have comprehensively shot a number of foxes , but one is still up and running .
30 Will the Minister join me in welcoming the ceasefire which is under way in El Salvador and the prospects that it brings for a long-lasting peace ?
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