Example sentences of "and the [noun] [prep] [noun prp] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Zen and the Art of Makebelieve maybe .
2 The film opened on 2,400 screens across the United States before opening in Britain and the rest of Europe later in the summer .
3 The people did so , and the Archbishop of Canterbury then addressed the assembly on the theme ‘ the voice of the people is the voice of God ’ , saying that by the unanimous consent of all the magnates Edward had been deprived of the government of his kingdom because of his inadequacy and his offences against Church and kingdom .
4 There is a tragic postscript to the tale of Vasco Núñez — a man judged by today 's historians to have been ‘ as kindly , loyal and competent a conquistadore as ever brought the cross and the banner of Castile overseas
5 Problems were more often solved when , after a day of hard , heated riding , the King repaired with his shrewdest advisers to the cool belvedere suspended over the castle 's north precipice , with its stupendous view to the sea , and the mountains of Asia beyond .
6 So Paul is looking to the unconverted in Spain , the church in Rome at the heart of the secular empire , and the church in Jerusalem where there were social needs of poverty to be lovingly dealt with .
7 And the thought of Leo actually kissing her properly made her feel positively ill !
8 The last two days were spent near Jerusalem visiting Emmaus , and the Valley of Elah where David slew Goliath .
9 It is sensible therefore that the health departments should give priority for new schemes to areas such as the north west of England and the west of Scotland where the prevalence of dental caries remains high and where large water treatment works allow for economies of scale .
10 The civil war between Renamo guerillas and the government in Mozambique also reflects this sense of deprivation — Renamo has been particularly strong amongst the Makonde of the north , who were most affected by the communal village programme of the 1970s .
11 The account of the martyrdom of bishop Praeiectus , the Passio Praeiecti , and the Life of Bonitus both present complicated narratives , which doubtless conceal specific political and religious biases , but they also provide contemporary accounts of ecclesiastical appointments in a late seventh-century diocese .
12 Called Into the Blue it 's a tale involving spying , nostalgic aircraft , and the romance of Oxford just after the Great War .
13 This was his way of declaring that the battle for the Labour Party was won and the Battle for Britain about to commence .
14 The Anglo-Dutch fleet pursued the beaten French as they withdrew and the Battle of Barfleur now merged with the Battle of La Hogue [ or La Hougue ] by which name both are sometimes known .
15 Certain French colonies immediately accepted his leadership , his movement was supported by the British , and the Resistance within France also recognised him as leader .
16 In the previous year , Central Office wished to promote Captain Edwards , the chief agent for Birmingham , to be a Central Office district agent , but they were thwarted by the Chamberlains , who wished to keep him to look after Birmingham ; Neville Chamberlain arranged to have Edwards paid enough in Birmingham to keep him there and the interests of Birmingham thus prevailed over those of the party as a whole .
17 The Corporation of London and the Merchants of London also marked George III 's Jubilee by donating £2,000 to The Thatched House Society .
18 A new covenant , involving a complete pardon , a personal knowledge of the Lord , and the will of God no longer external to them on tablets of stone , but written inwardly on their hearts .
19 Alfred handed him another drink , and the Prince of Wales absent-mindedly took it .
20 Since it was adopted by the town HMS Jupiter has seen active service in the Falklands conflict and the Prince of Wales also spent part of his naval training stint aboard her .
21 THE Queen Mother and the Prince of Wales yesterday missed the traditional Garter ceremony at Windsor .
22 Maurice Tate and the Nawab of Pataudi actively disliked Jardine , and Gubby Allen , in letters to his parents , recently made public , said he sometimes wanted to kill him .
23 all of our paid fors have er , done very well this year in circulation terms all but two of them have increased their circulation in the first half , despite quite high price rises , for instance the York county newspaper , the weekly there , we have a daily but the weekly there went up by five P and the weekly in Bath where again we have a daily that went up by six P .
24 People like handsome Major David Waterhouse , newsagent chain heiress Kate Menzies and the Earl of Arundel cheerfully refer to their old friend as ‘ Duch ’ — a nickname from her pre-royal days .
25 The evolution in party policy from the beginning of September , when , despite a ruthless government crackdown on its activities , it stressed the " anti-fascist " nature of the war , and the beginning of October when , following pressure from the Communist International , it began to give prominence to the " imperialist " nature of the struggle , " is of major significance when assessing Nizan 's decision to resign .
26 Almost entirely surrounded by a circle of water that formed part of the original fortifications , and still linked to its neighbours and the port of Zeebrugge about eight miles away by canals , Bruges ' attraction is that its medieval architecture is remarkably intact .
27 Historically it played a major part against the Saracens , and the old buildings in Rhodes town and the Acropolis in Lindos still remain .
28 But all over the pastoral Midlands and the south of England too , the canals flowed clear and sparkling in the sunshine , something new in the landscape with their towpaths , lock-keepers ’ cottages , stables for canal horses , their Navigation or Canal Inns where they met a main road , and their long and narrow gaily painted boats .
29 This downward arc is also seen most noticeably in the Murcian , a Spanish breed , and the Shorthorns of Britain often have drooping horns as well .
30 The main objective , if they could not in fact capture Balliol , was to frighten him , give him warning to keep away from Scotland in future , and show Dacre and the North of England generally that if they aided Edward Plantagenet , they were vulnerable to dire reprisals .
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