Example sentences of "and over [art] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 As much to find out how much Sasser had told him as to learn what Hurley was up to , Coleman agreed , and over a sandwich from the embassy canteen in Hurley 's basement office , discovered that the DEA attaché was trying to put together a videotape documenting narcotics production in the Bekaa Valley .
2 Steep paths lead down through the landscaped gardens and over a foot-bridge to the main building directly across the road .
3 I was reading some gimcrack book about economics , full of those pictograms that fall half-way between diagrams and drawings , when I heard the thudding of a diesel engine running under the roar of the gale coming in off the sea and over the whirr of the fan heater that was marinading my feet .
4 The man tumbled on forward and over the edge of the track , a scattering of rocks heard through his scream and the splash as he hit the water eighty feet below .
5 Instinctively drawing in his limbs and curling his long back , the Perk sailed out of her grasp and over the edge of the steps like a furry stone in a leather jerkin .
6 The hills to the west and south , and over the water to the north , were Maclean land ; it was pleasant , rich land , and would soon be hers !
7 Relations with Peru had been severely strained over the invasion , and over the presence in the Peruvian ambassador 's residence of 12 members of the Noriega regime .
8 Posi 's cheerful voice , clear and over the mini-comm in the pendant .
9 Through the ‘ new ’ town of Victorian terraces that came with the railway and over the river into the old town .
10 They have to go very steady and to the right of the first , to the left of the second and over the top of the last .
11 Roll it out on a board , dusted with a little icing sugar , to a rough triangle large enough to wrap around and over the top of the cake .
12 One even had a flagpole and over the top of the trees below I could see the Union Jack fluttering .
13 Move your hands to the forehead and smoothly stroke the brow , hand-over-hand up and over the hair to the crown of the head .
14 The wind was hissing loudly over them , whipping off their tops and spraying them into a conveyor-belt of sand , an opaque draught , streaming across the road and up and over the dunes on the other side .
15 Not surprisingly British ministers continued to deal warily with the United States , concerned both for their own freedom of action and over the reliability of the Americans as friends .
16 Normally London left Stormont to get on with these policies , only intervening in 1969 at the time of the civil rights movement when there was a clear danger of a collapse of law and order due to disputes between Catholics and Protestants over local government , over the allocation of houses and of jobs and over the conduct of the Royal Ulster Constabulary and of the armed ‘ B ’ special reserves .
17 His plight was clearly desperate ; the slightest motion could hurtle him down the remaining few yards of slope and over the lip into the quarry .
18 This would be mildly surprising given that the primary emphasis of both the Old and New Testaments is of man 's ‘ dominion over the fish of the sea , and over the fowl of the air , and over the cattle , and over all the earth ’ ( Gen. 1 v. 26 ) .
19 At the Megger Stones , the views across Dentdale and over the fells to the Howgills were superb .
20 Once the parents had been shown how to carry out the technique they became more confident in using it and over the course of the next two weeks Mary stopped physically attacking her sister .
21 Other modules and integrated products will roll out on April 27 and over the course of the year .
22 Other modules and integrated products will roll-out on the 27th and over the course of the year .
23 Adenauer was encouraging and over the course of the summer French and German officials began consultations with officials from the other four nations .
24 Chips became part of the British diet during the 19th century and over the course of the next hundred years , according to the Frozen Food Information Service , fish and chips became not only a national institution , but also a vital source of nutrition for the working class .
25 So whatever the numerical distribution of jobs or of unemployment , the tentacles of control over those jobs , and over the functioning of the economy as a whole , in the main lead back — if they stay within Britain at all — to London .
26 Dave talked right on and over the start of the lyric , and then made it worse by trying to pretend that his mistake was intentional .
27 Lay the yarn under and over the needles in the desired pattern .
28 Very gently the two women drew the light quilt away , sliding it from under the arm of the sleeper , drawing it down at both sides , peeling it off and over the end of the bed .
29 He pulled her by the hand through the crowded kitchen and hall and over the bodies on the stairs .
30 The new permissive society differs from its Victorian predecessor not only by virtue of its sexual and moral freedom , but also because it is characterised by lack of agreement over questions of morality , and over the role of the state in the enforcement of morals .
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