Example sentences of "and then [conj] [pron] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And then since we have a real life Duke in the house , what about an apparent ad lib ?
2 What we hope to be able to do is to complete the requirement the staff target this year and set in train some industrial studies to see what the various options are and then once we enter the production investment phase then that would be the time that we would er look to doing the development work .
3 And then when we had the brainstorm , as I said .
4 This was a bar that er went under the bomb like that when they fastened them up , and then when they dropped the bombs this bar was in a clip , like where me finger is , i in a clip so when they released them it dropped out of this clip the bar went as well of course , down that went down went the bomb drop bars with it used to be make them day and night and things like that and er of course there was er Bloxwich Lock and Stamping we used to do odd stamping , odd forgings and things li and er that was other part of the war work .
5 What happens is folk , folk treat it as a diet and then when they stop the diet , they stop the habit
6 Got the old watering can and then you get down on this plant , and then when they get a gist of that first time that they go whooo , you wake up in the morning , you 've got co , conifers like Jack and The Beanstalk coming
7 Sometimes the German fighters followed the bombers back to their bases , and then when they saw the flare path light up for a few brief moments to guide the homecoming aircraft down , they would open up with their guns .
8 poor Derek , I mean I do n't know whether Derek 's away , did n't bother to come up on , if if he did n't bother to come Friday well he 's still laying on the bench , but if it 's Jack you see , the other day she well give did you ask him , I said no I do n't mention it till Friday to him and then when I get the next one I 'll say well is it this week 's or last week 's ?
9 And then when he got a bit more money we thought he were too big for his shoes .
10 Now the sides of the hold and the , the chains used go down , they did n't have wires they had chains go down and with a big ring on the top and then when you 'd the door out , knock the pin out and the door would drop down the mud and cos the ship would come up because she got two side tanks on er a tank each side to bring the ship out of the water .
11 And then when you turn the engine off your battery 's full and restored and you got to start it
12 and then when you get the to the end of it all you sa you say and they sell that for an eighth of a price that you charge for your bloody beer !
13 And then when you have a decision from the adjudication officer it is then allowed or disallowed .
14 ‘ All that Wordsworthian waffle , and then when you meet the people all they want to do is hop on the bus and off to the nearest bright lights . ’
15 And then as we approached the tube station the arm around me again and erm and he
16 And then as they passed the Odeon cinema the man lunged at him with his walking stick beating him over the head and arms .
17 Oz edged carefully down the slope , crouching every now and then as he reached a little bilberry bush .
18 Strange 's outburst was directed at a cameraman who clicked as he addressed the ball , and then as he reached the top of the backswing .
19 er if it 's in the hall er we 've got it in our hall and you just plug in and set it on and then if anybody opens a window , the alarm bell goes off .
20 And then if you make a little mistake — like getting two of your men killed when they 're busting a flat — you get a nasty shock .
21 And then if you do the sums there 's no difficulty whatsoever in imagining the evolution of a specific optimal protein , one amino acid at a time , not in millions of years but even in thousands of years — it 's not a serious mathematical problem .
22 erm it 's an old one and it 's called Fancy Fish and we were sorting our videos out to list 'em and then we 'll make a list and then we 'd let you have and then if you want a video and that , you know what you got and we were looking through this Fancy Fish and it 's erm I do n't know if you remember it , it shows an open show at Oxford
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