Example sentences of "and then [verb] [adv] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 The final sections of ‘ Van Gogh ’ are particularly masterly : as the painter painfully dies in the little village inn , his friends lament his passing for a moment and then get on with the business of the day — shopping , washing clothes , preparing for work .
2 It was nothing legible — just a pencil smudge , as if something had been written there and then rubbed out with a dirty eraser .
3 Ignore personal attacks and criticism by thanking the opposition for their feedback and then moving on with the positive aspects of your case .
4 Continue rubbing until the surface feels dry and then polish vigorously with a clean soft duster .
5 The lips come last ; I outline them first and then fill in with a brush .
6 Joe said , ‘ Where and when ? ’ and Ashdown fumbled around a little at the other end of the line and then came up with an address .
7 Too early to know , say officials , and anyway that question really has a different target : it was the press and Wall Street that got euphoric in the early days of war , and then came down with a bump , not the administration .
8 Anne 's daddy looked at the mistletoe in the apple-tree when they reached Sundial Cottage and then went in with the three Brownies to see Miss Miggs .
9 It is easy to mark around a dinner plate and then cut out with a sharp knife .
10 She was close to her home in Iona street when the man threatened her with a handgun , and then made off with a small sum of money .
11 Tests show that , after a slow beginning , availability of the nutrients rises to a peak in about 80 days and then tails off with the potash being held late , when it is needed .
12 I mean I 'm gon na try and give , the first two guys and er Mike who came in , they did n't do very well cos they did n't actually mention that bit and it did n't flow from then on , you 've got ta make the point , you know , did you find that er well not did you , that 's bad phraseology , I 'm sure you found this beneficial which of the areas of the five tonight actually interest you the most do that bit and then go in with the fact that you actually mentioned earlier on that you do work on a recommendation basis .
13 All he had to do was wait until dusk , and then go out with the tide .
14 He ordered the driver and two officers to get out … and then drove off with the third towards London .
15 For it would be absurd to open your answer by considering some summary offence of which the defendant is guilty , and then to wind up with the conclusion that he has also committed , say , murder !
16 2 men were seen walking away and then driving off with a woman and possibly another man .
17 On a mortiser it is possible to tilt the piece to be mortised at an angle ; the same angled mortise can be produced by drilling out with a drill bit , and then cleaning up with a chisel .
18 After a pub lunch we did a bit outside the car-park mortuary and then settled down with the telephone to record some attempts to buy a coffin , one of which resulted in agreement , which was the last thing we needed at the time , although it came in very handy later .
19 I mean if you 're honest a lot of these were really first or second draft erm manuscripts I think and er er you really got to get , if you 're going to submit something like this it has to be er it has to be absolutely watertight and you have to say exactly what it is that you want to say , erm some of the criticism I 've , I 'm not gon na mention people 's names , but I 'm just remind myself er , a whole lot of you for some reason erm , con construct things in sort of note form I suppose this being undergraduates that helps this and , and , but you construct things with single sentence paragraphs so that actually you get a whole list of sentences without any linking between them and that is terribly disjointed reading and with an account like that , when you 've finished reading it , you sort of have to shake your head and think well what did the person actually say , and when it 's actually looking for er a little bit of prose , the in addition some of your con your sentences are in , extraordinarily complex , you start off in a sentence and you actually lose your way in the middle of it , I mean the simple sentence 's much the better thing , I mean I seem to remember being told by subject , object verb , in a sentence , they must have those , those , those things , well very often you 'll have a sentence which starts with er a particular noun and as , as a subject and then finishes up with the same no noun or , or , or subject or , or maybe it 's become the object of the sentence at the very end or maybe the sentence has totally lost it 's way .
20 Sometimes it 's worth going away for a while and letting her think she 's beaten you , and then coming back with the food a few hours later .
21 Kath 's heart stopped , and then started again with an untidy lurch .
22 Er , well we only really done exercises and then started off with the play .
23 I was asked to clean down with blanket wash and then run over with a clean polishing rag .
24 Blake DJ-ed at the city 's legendary Tresor club and then hitched up with the club 's label and producers Thomas Fehlmann and Moritz Von Oswald .
25 I was carved up by a let-me-through Porsche , with a chap at the wheel chatting into his Deutsche Telekom mobile phone , and then caught up with the car again a few kilometres further on , where it had slithered on the wet cobbles and collided with an antique tram .
26 He added , however , that former Sunderland player Billy Bingham , the Northern Ireland manager , might be prepared to reach a compromise with his old club possibly allowing Rogan to play for at least part of the match against Swindon and then link up with the rest of the squad on the day of the international .
27 2 The striker pulls back and then follows through with the elbow strike , pushing the hips forward .
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