Example sentences of "and its [noun] from [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Because one can not simply enlarge the golgi picture to electron microscope size and follow any individual cell and its connections from beginning to end , it is hard to relate the spine changes seen in the golgi pictures directly to particular synapses seen in the electron microscope .
2 In 1989 , the membership of FoE in the United Kingdom leapt from 60,000 to 150,000 , its income from £1,012,000 to £2,144,000 and its expenditures from £914,000 to £1,996,000 .
4 It was a bit everything-but-the-kitchen-sink on sexual politics , and its switches from comedy to Myra McFadden 's chilling incest victim 's song might have been a bit startling , but I still felt pleased with it and learned ( I hope ) an awful lot from it , mainly about structure which I find hard , and how to pinch plots from people who knew how to do it .
5 He is the managing director of a Highland company which , since he took over exactly a year ago , has increased its workforce from four to 14 and its turnover from £40,000 to £400,000 a year .
6 One of Gamsakhurdia 's first acts as executive President was to decree on April 15 that government bodies should organize a campaign of civil disobedience against Soviet interests in the republic , with the aim of restoring " Georgia 's complete de facto independence and its liberation from subordination to imperial structures " .
7 Whereas personal style and success seem to dictate what the Whitney showed in its previous era , now the Whitney 's theoreticians — eight in the Biennial catalogue — chronicle oppression in the United States in a preachy , sterile tone that borrows its vocabulary and its unreadability from translations of French academic criticism .
8 In less extreme circumstances others were expressing concern that the holding of information and its transmission from teacher to teacher and from school to school might unfairly label and prejudice a child .
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