Example sentences of "and when [pron] go [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And when they go out on a football field they can do something about it .
2 There were tears in her eyes and when they went through to the kitchen she hugged and kissed them both .
3 She lived on the fifth floor of a pre-war block , and when they went up in the lift she casually passed him her handbag and said , Hold this , and started to take her clothes off .
4 And when we went then after Christmas the shop was closed down for the
5 I therefore put it to him that he has really now er a definite choice , he can seek to resist most of these amendments and I have n't a slightest doubt they 'll be put into the Bill er the Bill will be drastically altered thereby er and when it goes back to another place nobody quite knows er wh what will happen to it , or he can use his very considerable powers of conciliation er by taking a little time for further consideration .
6 And when it goes down to a water hole to drink it crouches down and awkwardly sips with its mouth .
7 And when I went over to standard two , Miss was the name of the teacher with the the middle classes .
8 Not that I complained because I was having a great time with it , but I noticed that there were a few changes and when I went back to England from Mustique , that was probably the last time MainMan existed .
9 And when I went back to Jamaica , they were so proud of me — you know the way they think about Britain .
10 that 's the one Mike 's mad on , and when I went in on , er
11 ‘ Well , my plants are all dead and the cat 's starving , and when I went across to her place it was all locked up and there are piles of junk mail on the mat . ’
12 And when I go upstairs with somebody , that is n't me either .
13 And when you went back to RADA you finished your final term with what ?
14 And when you went back to the bluetree for your air-can , Rod prospected you .
15 And when you go back with thirty seven fifty , or fifty two , he 's quite happy .
16 Daisy suddenly wanted to check her face , and when he went off at the end of the chukka to talk to the next group playing , which included Perdita , she toned down her rosy cheeks and drenched her neck with Je Reviens , but failed to put the top back on properly , so it stank out the Land-Rover .
17 Hubert would kiss her on the cheek in the morning and when she went up to bed .
18 And when she went down for a cup of tea , her mother mentioned casually that Parr had gone to Belfast , not to England as expected , although she did not know why .
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