Example sentences of "and if you have [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And if you had no tongue , no celebrating language , you 'd do this : cross your hands at the wrist with palms facing towards you ; place your crossed wrists over your heart ( the middle of your chest , anyway ) ; then move your hands outwards a short distance , and open them towards the object of your love .
2 For example , the number eight would be a very pretty shape to create and a pressed flower card reading eighteen or twenty-one could also be very attractive if created in shades of pink , and if you had the patience you could even make a matching gift tag to accompany the present .
3 And if you have no improvement plan then you just drift doing things more or less as you have always done them .
4 We do not yet know how it will work in practice , and if you have a problem making arrangements for your children , it is important to take legal advice from one of the organisations listed in the Helplist at the end of this leaflet .
5 Program the drum pattern for practising this transcription and if you have a sequencer , program the chords as well .
6 And if you have a deadlock system , do n't forget to engage it .
7 And if you have an increase in , in one year and the situation then throws it all out of kilter .
8 I mean yes of course we should live harmoniously together er who would y'know , sector of those people who have taken advantage of the right to buy and and so on and so forth but we talking about housing management in about housing management costs and if you have an estate of y'know being repaired similar houses which a lot of our estates are , it makes sense that they 're managed as it were centrally er and because that 's the most efficient way of doing it erm if you have a variety of different landlords in er one estate or one street and all the houses are similar , when it comes to things like modernisation and so forth it it 's duplicated a great deal of er er er of work and it is not cost efficient and it does n't make any common sense at all .
9 And if you have an industry run by cautious fools , it is almost worse than more obvious political censorship .
10 And if you have the knack and a light enough touch , you can just about ease back the spring enough to release the tongue .
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