Example sentences of "and if [pron] have [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 His reasoning , as ever practical , was that it was a chore having to empty the thing , and if one had a second , it would be unnecessary .
2 Cycling officers were asked what measures they used to reduce traffic speed and if they had a cycling programme .
3 And if they have a lot of money they probably do n't want to show it .
4 It was gon na take quite a while so erm we got the base five as quickly as possible so that we had as many hands on the job at once and er we had some formwork getting spare so we decided to make them useful and it 's a case of we 'd got six tanks to do and if we had a breakage we ca n't afford to stop the programme so as a er , a standby , just in case , we may never use these we might three or four uses out of but if we do have a breakage we want to be able to replace that straight away so have a spare set and you 've got nothing more to do and er get the walls , get the er , the back build operation right at the very end , ongoing , till you 've got the waterproofers in er get the waterproofing up to the five meter level and er get the back build in as quickly as possible .
5 I know not , it may be that Mr is saying this is something that that never it 's never I 've never understood it to be er part of my practice or part of any solicitors practice to offer such a and if we have a solicitor er who has constantly practised in his skills for a very lengthy period of time , that is saying oh yes it is because this , as far as I 'm concerned , standard advice which solicitors should give to clients transactions .
6 and if we have a chap who 's erm had bad experience on the plane what we would do now is is give him two free tickets .
7 If we tried to describe a theory of legislation sufficiently uncontroversial to command close to universal assent among our lawyers and judges , we would be limited to something like this : if the words of a statute admit of only one meaning , no matter in what context they are uttered , and if we have no reason to doubt that this is the meaning understood by all the legislators who voted for or against the statute or abstained , and the statute so understood achieves no results not intended by all those who voted for it and would be so understood by all the members of the public to whom it is addressed , and could not be thought by any sensible person To violate any of the substantive or procedural constraints of the Constitution , or otherwise offend any widely held view about fairness or efficiency in legislation , then the propositions contained in that statute , understood in that way , are part of the community 's law .
8 We have a reason of fairness , as we just noticed , for that checkerboard strategy , and if we have no reason of justice against it , our present practice needs a justification we have not yet secured .
9 Those radicals ( among whom Gaitskell was , oddly , not numbered ) who wanted to abolish the public schools , or amalgamate them somehow into the maintained system , persuaded themselves for a time that if this were done , and if everyone had a chance to take the 11 + and compete for a place at a grammar school , then justice would have been done and educational standards would be secure .
10 Their rooms adjoined , and if she had a nightmare , he was first in to comfort her and laugh the fears away .
11 But she had character , and if she had a secret , I would say she could keep it . ’
12 And if she has a fight with another child , she always bites , there are things like that .
13 ‘ They knew that I liked girls and if I had a choice , I would rather be talking to the girls than doing my homework . ’
14 and if I had the money I could have that
15 The scenery was beautiful and even though there was snow on the ground it was like a hot summers day and if I had the chance to go back I would .
16 I love rugby and if I had the opportunity I would pull on my boots and play tomorrow .
17 I should like to speak longer , because the hon. Member for Islington , South and Finsbury ( Mr. Smith ) spoke about the losses that he envisages would be incurred by the development of the station at King 's Cross , and if I had the time I should love to expand on the economic benefits that could be achieved in employment terms , the environmental benefits that would accrue to the area and the safety benefits that would be brought about by the Fennell provisions in the Bill .
18 And if I have no chance before I am born , what chance do I have when I live my life ?
19 I mean they are at the moment and if I have a meeting well after about an hour it seems as though you 've
20 The appearance of a famous face in the show rooms always caused a stir amongst the girls , who all longed to hook a wealthy husband — and if he had a title , like the Aly Khan , or was a film star like Omar Shariff , then so much the better !
21 His sympathetic feelings are shallow and transient rather than absent altogether , and if he had no insight at all into how things look to others he would never learn how to manipulate them .
22 to , because , one of the main points about the embarrassing er aspect , mainly boys sniggering and giggling , whatever , maybe some girls do , but it 's mainly er , males , I think a point to be made there is , it is a well known fact that boys took longer to mature emotionally than girls and I think if it was a guy a younger guy , maybe in his late twenties , early thirties teaching it , and if he had the sort of guts to turn round and the bravery to say look son , what is it you 're laughing at , what 's so funny ?
23 He shall provide 2 men at the harvest boonwork at the lords food and if he has a plough he shall plough 1 acre as a boon work .
24 And if he has the nerve , apple crumble with custard .
25 And if you had no tongue , no celebrating language , you 'd do this : cross your hands at the wrist with palms facing towards you ; place your crossed wrists over your heart ( the middle of your chest , anyway ) ; then move your hands outwards a short distance , and open them towards the object of your love .
26 For example , the number eight would be a very pretty shape to create and a pressed flower card reading eighteen or twenty-one could also be very attractive if created in shades of pink , and if you had the patience you could even make a matching gift tag to accompany the present .
27 And if you have no improvement plan then you just drift doing things more or less as you have always done them .
28 We do not yet know how it will work in practice , and if you have a problem making arrangements for your children , it is important to take legal advice from one of the organisations listed in the Helplist at the end of this leaflet .
29 Program the drum pattern for practising this transcription and if you have a sequencer , program the chords as well .
30 And if you have a deadlock system , do n't forget to engage it .
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