Example sentences of "and then it [verb] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The shock wave was delayed by only a few more seconds , and then it rolled over them like a small hurricane .
2 The crowd really get off on the Kitchens ' distinctly '80s sound , whooping like only Americans can , and calling out for all the correct songs — and then it dawns on you .
3 And then it dawned on me ; I woke up , smelt the coffee , was disenchanted .
4 The fact that students ask a question about something fairly commonplace and then it happens to me must be pure co-incidence .
5 And then it came to her .
6 And then it came to her .
7 And then it came to him , and he had to wait , fidgeting his hands while the Rector talked on .
8 And then it went on its edge for a while .
9 I nearly run downstairs and then it went into something else and mum said well , keep listening she said and erm it go
10 It filled you , with glory for a time , but the glory soon departed and then it left upon your spirit , oh , the most appalling ravages .
11 all they do is diddle some keys and it goes off to T S B and then it goes into your account , that 's the way it 's supposed to work
12 She said it 's a big , big cut off , if your phone rings you 're out , so of course the phone were ringing , then it went to one in post , no it never , it went first from Ann from Lynnette then to Ann and then it went to Kathy and then it went to erm somebody else and then it come to me but I 've got seven hundred thousand pounds worth of money on my desk that I were banking and Jane had got that job and Jane was on post in cash cos she ai n't got a job cos that thing with them shoes did n't take off and do you know
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