Example sentences of "and when he [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She did n't point out that they had to go back the way they had come , and when he reached into the back and handed her a water container she drank gladly .
2 As he gave out his text , his voice rose like a steam of rich distilled perfumes , ’ and when he came to the two last words , which he pronounced loud , deep , and distinct , it seemed to me , who was then young , as if the sounds had echoed from the bottom of the human heart , and as if that prayer might have floated in solemn silence through the universe .
3 And when he came into the Pincushion Room and rested his elbows on the window-ledge , he would look out of the window at the garden bright with midsummer sun or bathed in moonlight and think , all this is mine , that garden , that fruit cage within the flint walls , that lake , the Little Wood , as far as I can see on either side of me and in front of the house and behind , all that is mine …
4 As he shaved his reflection seemed to be the face of a low criminal — or like one of Bodo 's associates — and when he went into the sitting-room his wife bore more than a passing resemblance to an exceptionally severe judge about to condemn that criminal to hard labour for life .
5 It was great to win but I was disgusted with the way spectators cheered Paul 's bad shots and when he went into the bunker .
6 The terrace door was open and when he went into the house Ken Corduroy found further disorder ; another chair knocked over , dirty glasses and a smell of spilled whisky .
7 So I know a guy for example who , when he gets his Visa bill say the last third of the month , he puts it into the envelope , and makes a note in the diary on say the twenty first , to pay the Visa bill , and when he gets to the twenty first , lo and behold , he knows where the Visa bill is and he has to pay it .
8 And when he got to the last slide , ’ Channell recalled , ‘ he suddenly became so powerfully emotive it was just like his whole spirit exploded .
9 And when he got to the river he took the pole — and he pushed the body off !
10 Benny had made friends with the local tobacconist and when he walked into the shop at four-thirty-five on Monday he was immediately drawn into conversation .
11 When Edward I , Langshanks , waged his wars against Wales and Scotland , his armies were paid for by loans from Luccan bankers and when he reneged on the loans , the bankers went bust and Florence became the international financier of the day .
12 El Cid himself fought like ten men and when he returned to the city he was bloody but victorious .
13 And when he returned to the college , he told the students they must n't let blindness get in the way of their creativity .
14 He was tall , very fair , reasonably attractive , and when he made with the charm at hospital parties they lapped it up .
15 And when he comes to the richer and more respectable inmates of the borough who can veil their defects behind money , he remains sardonic , and sees them as poor people who have not been found out .
16 Creed was inside the house for almost an hour and when he emerged on the steps it was n't Sir Charles who was with him , but Sir Charles 's wife .
17 Out of D.S. Chambers and Michael Baxandall and some Italian scholars Robinson measures up Pound 's ideas about the right relation between artist and patron against what we know of how patronage in fact worked in the ducal fiefs of Renaissance Italy ; and when he deals with the closeness of Pound 's views on this and related matters to Ruskin 's ideas ( a theme common to all these essayists ) , Robinson dares to broach the too long forbidden topic of the poet 's antagonism — inertly received , so some would say , rather than considered — to Christian faith and Christian ethics .
18 Mr Anderson went across to his home to inform his wife and when he learned of the family circumstances he immediately paid Mrs Stevens £50 .
19 And when he appeared in the yard , followed by the child , it was to her she spoke , saying , ‘ Go and put your hat and coat on ; we 're goin' for a walk . ’
20 All he had done was what she had told him to do and when he phoned from the motorway to tell her he 'd done it she 'd gone mad !
21 It might be early days but this approach falls a long way short of forging a relationship with the viewer and when he turned to the big screen to ask a reporter a single question , it came across as completely contrived .
22 And when he come into the pub he hears the village lads singing along with the machine and he has a go himself and gets to talking with everyone .
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