Example sentences of "and then [pron] be [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 We shouted but what with the noise of the water and not knowing their language of course it was n't any use and then we were in the water .
2 This was a anti-tank and it fired a bomb and of course we put a demonstration on firing this and then we was up the Bell Lane end and right at the top by Bailey 's farm there was a row of seats , benches , along the walk there and of course the demonstration was we 'd show them imagine those seats are tanks course we never thought in the world we should ever even get near one anyway we hit one and broke it Cos they , they , I mean they was only dummies , they were n't , I mean there was no explosive just the dummy shell you know and we , we was quite pleased with ourselves being as we 'd got an audience .
3 And then they 're at a disadvantage when they have to deal with real life problems . ’
4 Stones spurted from the horses ' hooves and then they were on a wide stretch of sand , galloping full speed , flying in the face of the wind ; the sea , the sky , the cliffs streamed past Sara 's stinging cheeks .
5 And then they were over the bar into a small , natural harbour and the deck steadied beneath her feet as Penry piloted the boat skilfully into a mooring where the Angharad would wait for their return .
6 And then they were in the car .
7 And then they were in the sanctuary — however temporary — of the wide cool night .
8 And then there 's into the open plan as well . .
9 and then there 's like a little white thing hanging with a little teddy in
10 And then there is underneath the sea bed , which has been very important for the United Kingdom because of the great oil and gas resources which we found and if you had had er more limited erm concepts of the
11 Right , time marches on we 've got five minutes before this meeting closes , so if you 've got another question , I 'll take one more question for Chris and then she 's off the hook .
12 And she 's got another two weeks off now , until she goes into schools and then she 's in the schools full-time , but even so , she wo n't have , she did n't have exams .
13 The men stood aside and she walked in between them … almost stumbled in between them ; and then she was in a large room in the middle of which was a long table covered in oilcloth .
14 She was in the Metropolitan Police , and then she was in the army o , I think she was in the army over here as well then .
15 afternoon , one afternoon ringing round all agencies , I mean there was no vacancies , but erm will you send us a photograph so if you 've got a photograph together and sent it off and then he 's on the books
16 And then he was up the stairs to her room , to find there her few poor possessions — but still no Sally-Anne .
17 Finding it , he crossed the entrance to the street and then he was on the pavement again , with buildings again his guide .
18 And then he was in the thick of things again .
19 The work had dropped off yeah , and then I were on the , on the labour for a short time and erm then I got a job next door to where I lived , straight next door .
20 Returning to the operations and planning room , our aircraft commanders are briefed on factors likely to affect the sortie , and then it 's into the tactical briefing .
21 Glitter answers questions banal enough that a child of six might be able to pose them , and then it 's into the show .
22 but she had , they have to have a fence built from the back garden , because there 's , there 's an opening from the back garden and it 's onto the drive and then it 's onto the road , even though it is a quiet road
23 He was close enough to hear the skid of rubber on tarmac , and then it was past the building and away out of sight .
24 The first two weeks of the course were spent in the classroom on the groundschool phase and then it was into the flying phase with a daylight jet refresher on the Meteors for the pilots before going on to the B.2s .
25 is it , how many miles is it that I fly to Turin and Zurich and do you want me to try and add that up and then it was into the cars I thought oh this is an easier question to answer , I 'll stick with the cars cos I know that I do twenty two thousand .
26 Did you see that one erm with where the , really old boy on a scrap yard , like a , and and then it was like a huge park !
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