Example sentences of "and as she [vb past] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She spoke slowly while controlling her eagerness to spring to her feet , and as she walked across the room beside Silas one of the rafting party gave a low whistle which was obviously directed at her .
2 When they arrived at the college , it seemed even more forbidding than it had in daylight , and as she walked from the car towards the entrance , Loretta felt as though she were about to cross a threshold in time as well as space .
3 Telling herself she was an idiot , she pulled her thoughts together and made an effort to concentrate upon what he was saying , and as she listened to the pleasant tones of his deep voice she realised he was on the subject of white-water rafting .
4 And we started her off and she went round and as she went past the second time she said I ca n't stop !
5 That had to be suspicious , and as she went into the hall later to go to her room he followed .
6 Valerie Stevens had been in the house to get more coffee and as she stepped through the patio doors she stood for a moment staring at Rachel in horror , having only heard the last part of the conversation .
7 I muttered thanks and as she disappeared to the kitchen I stepped up to the sitting room door , knocked rather timidly and entered .
8 Grey House was a very exclusive girls ' school , and as she drove into the extensive grounds the next morning Jenna felt the peace of the place close over her as usual .
9 Clearly he had not been content to wait , and as she looked at the hard , handsome face she knew he was furiously angry , only good manners holding back the words that were obviously uppermost in his mind .
10 All too clearly the reason for last evening 's kisses registered in her mind , and as she hastened towards the office she mumbled audibly to herself , ‘ Blast you , Silas Wilder — you think you 're vastly smart — you think you 're so confoundedly devastating that a few kisses will keep me happily at your side — ready and willing to slave over your wretched barbecue .
11 The tall dark girl got off the London train and as she passed through the barrier at Stowerton station she asked the woman collecting tickets where she could get a taxi .
12 It was a lovely warm evening , and as she drifted across the drawing-room she felt a sudden impulse to play some music .
13 And as she thought of the good golfing years she had allowed to go to waste , so praying and practice loomed large in the recovery programme she set herself .
14 And as she stood at the window she seemed to hear again , as clearly as she had heard it two days before , the sound of Henrietta screaming .
15 A sudden fear gripped Lucy , and as she peered into the impenetrable shadows on either side she realised that the bush by day and the bush by night were two totally different places .
16 Mr Miller held each one up in turn , and as she slipped in the needle skilfully they scarcely noticed the momentary discomfort .
17 As she heard her front door click , Rachel 's anger suddenly turned to dismay and as she turned to the window she found she could only see the outline of the cathedral through a mist of tears .
18 Grace had seen to that , but it was late and as she sat on the King 's throne in the wings , she wished with all her heart that she could be in bed .
19 Anna reached the door and as she fumbled for the latch , Melody opened it from the other side .
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