Example sentences of "and as [pron] [vb past] into the " in BNC.

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1 They heard his step falter and as they pressed into the doorway after him they came face to face with Philippe Maurin , holding a gun .
2 Tonight , though , that seemed out of the question , and as they hurried into the hospital through its large , brightly lit main foyer , they walked several yards apart .
3 I had been born on Easter Sunday 21 years earlier and as I went into the water , I thought : ‘ Laddo , you 're going to die on Easter Sunday , too ’ .
4 I found it incomprehensible that anyone should want to reproduce Cedric , and as I gaped into the receiver a frightening vision floated before me of eight little Cedrics all with his complaint .
5 He chose to sleep in Three because it had the best view of the Jubilee Line , unobstructed by trees , and as he came into the room and crossed to the window , he saw beyond the garden and the trees and the rhubarb plantation a silver train speeding southwards .
6 And as he climbed into the car and started the chilled engine , he had to make a very strong effort indeed to close the door on the compartment of his mind where Marjorie belonged and open wide the door to careful logical thinking about the project and this newest complication .
7 That had to be suspicious , and as she went into the hall later to go to her room he followed .
8 Grey House was a very exclusive girls ' school , and as she drove into the extensive grounds the next morning Jenna felt the peace of the place close over her as usual .
9 A sudden fear gripped Lucy , and as she peered into the impenetrable shadows on either side she realised that the bush by day and the bush by night were two totally different places .
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