Example sentences of "and this [be] [adv] [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The assumption of an infinitely sharp crack tip leads to infinite stresses at the tip and this is clearly meaningless when one wants to investigate fracture .
2 The self-instructional media give the students an element of choice , and this is also implicit where there is a variety of orientational techniques or media in operation .
3 If you go for a Black Orc Mob you 'll be able to include Black Orc characters too and this is well worthwhile if you 're worried by animosity or by your army 's generally low leadership levels .
4 Currently the main source of permanent employment for women in West Belfast ‘ lucky ’ enough to get a job is public sector employment and this is generally part-time and low-paid .
5 And this is both true and untrue .
6 The Report acknowledged the problems involved in determining the levels of difficulty and complexity in the work that has to be carried out in the social services and the barriers that exist to sharing this work among different kinds of personnel but concluded that ‘ nevertheless , some distinction in work levels is possible and necessary in our view , and this is most practicable where there is close teamwork and an emphasis on ‘ team responsibility' ’ for cases , ( pp. 137–8 ) .
7 Most brides prefer the over-all tan provided by the sunbed and this is particularly good if the couple are nipping off to sunny climes for their reception .
8 There are overheads when defining and manipulating hierarchies , and this is particularly apparent when comparisons are made with the relational approach .
9 However , these institutional norms do not tell anything like the whole story , and this is particularly true if we focus on spoken language in casual conversation and on phonetic and phonological variation : as we noticed in chapter 3 , the norms of a superordinate variety can not be projected on to the norms of a speech community without distorting our description .
10 The actualizing tendency suggests that even these failing individuals are at all times capable of growth and development , so it is an essentially optimistic view of the human condition , and this is particularly important when working with older people .
11 Thus non-agricultural activities should be considered alongside those which directly use land , and this is particularly important where there is widespread rural-urban migration with or without a remittance economy ( e.g. South Yemen where outmigration to Saudi Arabia and the Gulf has led to the abandonment of terracing ; the Rif in Morocco and Algeria ; the Nepalese hills ; Lesotho and other labour reserves of Southern Africa ; or the Andean highlands where many of the male population have migrated seasonally or permanently to the coastal cities ) .
12 Every facility can be provided in hospital , and this is particularly important if special care should be needed .
13 Multiple active compounds in individual herbs makes understanding the pharmacology of these medicines exceedingly difficult and this is further complicated when multiple herbal formulations are used .
14 And so far , with our results , it looks as if it does not seem to have a major impact on our patients , so we may be doing something that does n't er particularly help the patients , and this is very important since we spend a lot of time doing these sorts of er procedures in our patients .
15 There will be a single budget which we 've always argued for in the management committee the head of centre will and this is very important and I hope members are clear the head of centre which is the head of the Moat Centre which is the proposed under the amendment will be appointed within this financial year , will be appointed out of the existing budget .
16 Endotoxins are heat stable , and this is very important when we try to produce materials that are safe for intravenous injection .
17 However , few studies of relative achievement have taken social class into account and this is very unfortunate as there is now overwhelming evidence of a strong relationship between social class and educational achievement ( for a recent overview see Mortimore and Blackstone , 1982 ) .
18 Life is more interesting if you are able to guide your own destiny , and this is only possible if you can find the time to plan .
19 He is indeed ‘ the most political of all our poets ’ and this is hardly surprising when we remember that he grew up in an age of Revolution .
20 It is clear that in each area of revolt , some local figure emerged to take the lead , and this is hardly surprising when one considers the nature of fourteenth century society .
21 Nurses must be constantly vigilant in every activity so that there is no break in infection control and this is especially necessary because the patient can come into contact with pathogens which have become resistant to one or more of the antibiotics .
22 Guidelines can be laid out , but your own taste will decide what you will use , and this is especially true where rods are concerned , e.g. when long-range legering for all species other than carp and pike I favour a rod between 11ft and 11ft 6in. in length , a test-curve of a little over 1lb , with a fast-taper action .
23 We always know we can get this money on Tuesday and this is especially important if in any week the paypacket is depleted or non-existent .
24 Psychological knowledge is unavoidably ambiguous , and this is especially clear when it involves relatively ill-defined , social aspects of subjectivity , like gender .
25 And this is quite appropriate since the company 's business is entertainment .
26 And this is quite unique when you go to South Africa and you see what 's happening that black leaders and blacks do not go for quick votes and quick solutions , we 're not trying to keep , tu turn people against whites .
27 Time and again , Marco Polo boldly goes where no recording company has ventured before , pulling wonderful surprise after wonderful surprise out of the hat , and this is as good as any of them .
28 ‘ There 's a motel here , and this is as far as I want to drive today . ’
29 Clean drinking water is supplied and this is as important as a varied diet to encourage birds to the garden .
30 The landlord requires security of income for a long period , and this is specially desirable where the landlord is an investing institution which pays out pensions or insurance policies , because a period of twenty-five years ' secure income facilitates the actuarial calculations necessary in order to determine the level of payments which the landlord can make .
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