Example sentences of "and his [adj] [noun pl] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Now he still trundles out cliches about ‘ powerful expressions ’ of ‘ revolutionary worker democracy ’ , but only his wife and his closest retainers believe them any more .
2 He looked tired and travel-weary and his first words confirmed he had been riding hard .
3 He received his certificate in July 1947 but the British coal industry had been nationalised in January of that year and his new bosses told him that in the changed circumstances they would not be able to carry out the undertaking he had been given .
4 If some of Hoppé 's portraits and genre pictures have not stood the test of time , his influence on his contemporaries , his restless experimentation , his role in helping to found the London Salon of Photography , and his nineteen books made him an important figure in the history of twentieth-century photography .
5 The harder it became , the more he and his remaining comrades enjoyed it .
6 The family man in his complex tripart personality is still as affable as ever , and his two sons joined him in London when his marriage broke up .
7 This and his aristocratic connections served him well at the Restoration .
8 I heard him scramble to his feet and his metal-tipped boots took him down the stone corridor at better than the track record .
9 His features were strong and rather austere , and his high cheekbones gave him a distinction that was all his own , though the line of his well-cut mouth hinted at a sensuality that disturbed her without her knowing why .
10 Baxter 's work and his royal connections made him famous during the years directly following the Great Exhibition and he gained public recognition for his achievements : he was awarded the great gold medal of Austria ( 1852 ) , and medals for his exhibits at the Great Exhibitions in New York ( 1853 ) and Paris ( 1855 ) , was elected a member of the Royal Society of Arts ( 1855 ) , and received the grand gold medal of Sweden ( 1857 ) .
11 He had been about to open the door into the kitchen , but now he turned and looked at her , and his next words cut her to the bone as they were apt to do when they spat the truth at her .
12 And his next words confirmed it .
13 He will meet the Irish Foreign Minister , Dick Spring , in Dublin tomorrow to discuss the future of the talks , in the light of the election and his own proposals to give them ‘ focus and direction ’ .
14 No retributory institution , prison , hulk , penal colony , or penitentiary adequately combined punishment with reformation : he and his select committees exposed them , to little avail .
15 Bishop soon abandoned the ‘ exalted ’ demeanour that troubled his brethren , and his organizational skills made him an invaluable member of the emerging movement .
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