Example sentences of "and you [verb] just [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , Marie Hoader tried to account for the negative consequences of unemployment in terms of five things that employment provides in our society , five sorts of experience that more and more , as we are industrialized and as more and more people are involved in working in employment , erm have come to be important and provided via employment , and we talked of two of those earlier — one 's activity and one was time structure — and you 've just raised the issue of feeling that you 're contributing to society in some way , that you 're part of a collective purpose , that you 're not just drawing things out , you 're also doing something useful with your time .
2 And you 've just bought a house .
3 And you 've just had a holiday . ’
4 And you 'd just had a plastic cold just the favourite because for our Martine and pull her along in it .
5 But there are all sorts of reasons why we do n't get that news , one guy said well if we wanted to do it I know if we wanted to make the news that , according to the level of human suffering we 'd start off with Ethiopia then we 'd have the Kurdish problem and you know just made a living of disaster areas around the world , he said we might of finished up with a light hearted discussion on the poll tax , you know as the , as the light , the lightener at the end of the news if you like , and our , what news we receive here depends on our perception of the world , but mainly it 's the other way round our perception of the world is , is what , you know what it , or rather the news that we get actually manufactures our perception of the world .
6 You live in Glasgow and you have just received a letter from a company requesting you to attend for interview at the Station Hotel , Inverness on Tuesday morning at 9.30 am .
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