Example sentences of "and that they [modal v] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 This is in the hope that they will become clearer to those who work within the industry , and that they may be recognized as a distinct discipline by academic and practising lawyers alike .
2 He agreed the figures were wrong and that they would be amended .
3 Papers ( 1834 ) xxvi 9 , that they would in future allow a person refused admission to appeal to the judges and that they would be bound by their decision : see Holdsworth 's History of English Law , vol .
4 In February 1989 the proposed new terms and conditions were outlined by letter to staff and , after subsequent fruitless negotiations with the unions , in April 1989 a notice was sent informing the employees that the changes would be discussed with them , that they would be given a reasonable time to consider the new contracts and that they would be dismissed if they did not accept them .
5 He explained to us , through Wong , that the participants on the course at Peking would be teachers from various Institutes and Universities in Peking , that there were 27 of them , and that they would be divided into two groups , to whom we would each ‘ lecture ’ alternately every morning .
6 This leads on to the third scenario , that decisions would be taken in economic and other fields at Community level , and that they would be submitted to the scrutiny of the European Parliament .
7 Just shared relief that their relatives in Iran would be left in peace and that they would be allowed to resume their studies .
8 On March 21 Collor warned employers who dismissed workers that their books would be subject to " hostile inspection " and that they would be considered " unpatriotic " and guilty of " sabotaging " the economic programme .
9 It was argued on behalf of the shareholders that the Directive was intended to protect all investors and that they would be prejudiced if they were not notified in advance of the intended cancellation of Titaghur 's public listing .
10 The first FMLN announcement stated that one of the advisers had died instantly and the others within minutes from their injuries ; however , a further statement on Jan. 9 noted that two members of the unit which brought down the helicopter had been arrested on charges of murdering wounded prisoners of war , and that they would be dealt with according to " war justice " if found guilty .
11 If adults are asked about their childhood , it seems highly likely that their memories will have become distorted or lost over the years , and that they will be coloured by the person 's present mood state , particularly by the existence of any psychiatric disorder .
12 Yes , they 've been told that there 's been a delay in the recruitment process , and that they will be contacted further , I think is what Marg
13 It is expected that the members of the team of consultants will be announced in May and that they will be given six months to complete the report , which will be published towards the end of the year .
14 The Bill 's tough capping measures will ensure that Labour councils will be unable to pursue the profligate spending that they managed in the past , and that they will be controlled .
15 It is appalling that these two doctors were charged by the fraud squad and that they will be investigated by the General Medical Council .
16 ‘ Swansea showed they are not invincible and that they can be disrupted .
17 All this is distinct from , and does not endanger , the truths that there exist individual properties and relations , and that they can be individuated .
18 This holds that society is nothing more than the individuals who make it up and that they can be described , as causal agents in the social situation , solely with regard to their individual psychology and to nothing else .
19 Here we report that human mutant cell lines that lack mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) , and therefore do not have a functional respiratory chain , can still be induced to die by apoptosis , and that they can be protected from apoptosis by the overexpression of bcl-2 , suggesting that neither apoptosis nor the protective effect of bcl-2 depends on mitochondrial respiration .
20 Parents should be reminded that they have a responsibility and that they can be fined and required to pay compensation for acts committed by juveniles .
21 Moreover , it is also possible that management took the view that unskilled workers could be controlled more easily than skilled workers because they had less powerful union backing , and that they could be replaced more easily because there was a bigger pool of labour to draw from .
22 The best solution from my point of view is simply to recognise that rivers are part of the natural heritage of our country and that they should be made public rights of way , just as footpaths are .
23 The article fails to emphasise the two most important tenets of safe prescribing of aminoglycosides — namely , that they should be used only if clinically justified and that they should be stopped as soon as the patient 's condition permits .
24 It was also felt that the positivistic notion that offenders were not rational and responsible agents , and that they should be reprogrammed until they conform to society , was a profound insult to human dignity .
25 On July 19 the Defence Minister , Gen. Veljko Kadijevic , proposed on behalf of the JNA that the Presidency should open talks immediately on the future of Yugoslavia and that they should be completed by Aug. 15 .
26 Just a few months ago , Opposition Members were telling us that trust hospitals would fail and that they should be judged by the simple test of whether they do more or less work on NHS patients .
27 Now Lloyds and Barclays argue that the debit card network should bow to the same principle — and that they should be allowed to process Switch transactions without first issuing Switch cards to their account-holders .
28 It proposes a timetable for withdrawal , laying down that the Iraqis should start to leave at once , within a day of a ceasefire , and that they should be allowed to do so safely .
29 However , five southern African countries — Botswana , Malawi , Namibia , South Africa and Zimbabwe — argued that their elephant herds were healthy and growing , and that they should be allowed to manage them through " sustainable utilization " , including regulated trading in ivory and other products from legally culled elephants .
30 He therefore proposed that they should be given increased representation in Legislative Councils and that they should be admitted to the administrative services .
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