Example sentences of "and that [det] of the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Among many activists there was a feeling that the PLO leadership had become the property of the Palestinian middle classes in the diaspora and that many of the leadership led relatively luxurious lives , insulated from the realities of nation building as these were experienced under occupation .
2 Of these 133 new Majlis members , it was estimated that some 55 were supporters of Rafsanjani and that many of the remainder were reported to be independent candidates likely to align themselves with the President 's faction .
3 In both studies the authors emphasised that most of the pyloric stenoses could have been diagnosed clinically and that many of the imaging studies performed were not only unnecessary but also not cost effective .
4 Add to this the fact that our universities and practically all our major cultural institutions are run by English people , and that many of the executive posts in local government and other organisations are occupied by them , and it will be clear that Scotland is rapidly being colonised , indeed being turned into an extension of England .
5 This is despite the fact that according to the law report the police officers did not know to which specific pits the pickets were travelling and that some of the evidence of violence on which the police officers relied was that which they had gathered from press and television reports .
6 Changing to drive C revealed that the hard disk works satisfactorily with a DIR and that some of the software I use requires DOS 3 or higher .
7 As an example , let us assume that a package exists and that some of the constituent modules are also contained in other packages which have different managers .
8 Differences between the studies include the fact that Canadian workers ‘ receive a substantial proportion ( 20–40% ) of their total exposure as an internal dose ( largely due to tritium ) , ’ that workers in Ontario did not have the types of chemical exposure received by the Sellafield workers , and that some of the control fathers with high doses were uranium miners .
9 She found that about two-thirds of the women whom she studied had relied upon female kin at some stage , and that most of the support which they received was child care , coming principally from mothers and mothers-in-law , but also sisters , sisters-in-law , aunts and grandmothers .
10 People realized it could n't when , in nineteen sixty four , a biologist by the name of Wyn Edwards at the University of Edinburgh actually bothered to publish a book arguing the theory , and when Wyn Edwards argued the case , almost immediately most people began to realize that it , that it did n't make sense and that most of the evidence that he thought supported the theory does n't in fact do so , and today Wyn Edwards has himself refused it , even he now er admits that group selection er can not work .
11 Remember also that the ‘ Great ’ C major Symphony was not composed , as had been assumed , in 1828 , and that most of the writing was contemporary with the earlier D major Sonata , whose textures are so unmistakably orchestral in outline .
12 At first she had complained to Aggie , saying they were stupid because they taught nothing but the abc and counting , and that most of the time was spent singing hymns and listening to stories from the Bible .
13 In spite of the fact that Champion ( 1981 , 20 ) has argued that ‘ some of the most spectacular changes have occurred in those rural areas which are relatively remote from traditional metropolitan influences ’ it must also be remembered that the extra numbers in the remote areas are relatively modest , compared with those in the outer margins of the main centres of population , as shown in Figure 5.3 , and that most of the population growth has been strongly associated with smaller towns and accessible settlements in the countryside both in England ( OPCS , 1981b ) and Ireland ( Duffy , 1983 ) .
14 However , it does have distinct areas of relief and there are very good air photographs of the area , taken by the RAF in 1947 , which show that there was formerly an extensive deserted village near the present church and manor house and that most of the parish was covered with ridge and furrow earthworks .
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