Example sentences of "and they [verb] [adv] into the " in BNC.

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1 And they come back into the University two days a week .
2 Small blades of grass fall from her legs as the skin dries and they come out into the sunlight .
3 In a perverse way , losing their best player lifted the ‘ Stiffs ’ and they came more into the game , although Micky Deere and Terry Wade were both booked for negative play .
4 These ashes , in their small portions , were accompanied by the death certificates of distinct individuals ; but ashes are just ashes , and they all look the same , and they went straight into the pot of the Hartheim incinerator .
5 She waited in the hall while he fetched her wrap and they went out into the night .
6 And they went out into the country to these evacuated people and they , they thought they were in absolute
7 ‘ Come and look at the fireplaces , ’ said William , and they filed dutifully into the room Tess had just come out of .
8 The engine barked , a harsh hacking sound , and they rolled out into the sunshine .
9 Julia took up the assembled bridle and they walked outside into the early evening sun .
10 After breakfast , Damian picked the keys up at the desk , and they walked out into the cool sunlit morning to find the streets busy and bright .
11 He waved weakly after the car but he did not speak as Rose shut the door and they turned back into the house .
12 Some nothing can spoil , and they grow up into the nicest young people you can imagine . ’
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